0bama is a creepy ass-cracker (on his Mother’s side) following us all with his vigilante gov’t agencies.
This trial is no longer about him.
It's about this girl. I can't believe we took the bait.
What am I saying. Of COURSE I believe we took the bait.
Rachel Jeantel is the reason Trayvon Martin is dead, and she knows it.
She was on the phone talking trash to Trayvon about the “creepy-ass cracker rapist” following him and how if he was a real gangster he’d give the cracker a beatdown he’d never forget.
When Trayvon was killed because of her she went dark until Benjamin Crump hunted her down and gave her a script to follow.
A society that even considers putting such a creature on a witness stand in a superior courtroom is a society in serious decline.
i like the words: retarded, retard and retardation... all perfectly fine words...
Those words alone, “creepy ass cracker”, tell us all we need to know about this trial. It IS all about race, and the prosecution’s star “witness” said as much.
This trial is not about self-defense at all, but about getting whitey. even if whitey isn’t so white after all.
Another thing that came out in the trail is she is 19 years old and entering her senior year in high school. I would have to say she has some serious learning disabilites. I will leave it at that.
mackerel snatchin’ ???...Had to look that one up. My research shows that’s a slur for Catholics (something from the 1800’s to do with the fish on Friday thing), and not specifically just for white bread, mayonnaise, honky ass crackers. Funny thing about “whitey” slurs in that they don’t seem to have much effect on white people.
CAC is street slang for homosexual men. She followed it up with the suggestion Z might rape TM and to RUN! The fact TM is a homophobe is motive for the beat down
Shame the defense didn’t follow through on it!
Maybe I should have put Paula Deen's face in this too.
Is there a trial going on in Florida? Or a witch hunt? I vote for the latter.
IMOP and I am sure manny others;
Cracker spewed by a black is the equivilant to Nigger being spewed by a white.
Only the race-baiters that spun this case as W on B rasism at the start and now see it was B on W rasism would and now disagree.
Sucks to be them.
Martin and Geantel have and had a dislike for whites and that was proven by Geantels testimony and demeanor.
Its the “Crackers” fault they are where they are in society, although Geantel has an 11th grade education going into 12 and knows how but refuses to speak any thing close to proper english and or at least fake it when needed.
She is a perfect example of why so many blacks are stuck in poverty.
Black or white,no business unless forced, would hire Rachel.
And that will be everyone else’s fault.
I still feel Geantel egged Martin on which is the reason for her testifiable guilt about the shooting.
I was debating some libs last night on Facebook, and it just absolutely astounds the amount of brainless morons out there, it’s incredible. It’s like we are going through some sort of moron apocalypse.
I was telling them one witness testified the other day seeing Trayvon on top of Zimmerman pounding him, and if they look at the police tape made immediately after the shooting (this one..)
Zimmerman describes a man coming out while Trayvon was pounding him and screaming for this guy to help him.
And here is THAT guy, John Good, testifying about it!
Oh no no no they say, that is all lies. One woman in particular telling me there are 4 witnesses who saw ZIMMERMAN beating Trayvon! What? Come again?
This is fascinating to me because it explains why we also have so many morons in office including the King moron from Kenya. Are there *that* many idiots in this country? Do they honestly believe Zimmerman broke his own nose? Cracked his own head against the curb? Can they watch that tape and in all good honesty believe Zimmerman is not credible? It’s just unreal, I really don’t understand it. Is it the tech? All the mobile phones, computers, video games that are frying peoples brains where they can’t grasp logic?
As long as the ‘spot light’ is on Ms. Jeantel is she the poster gal for Welfare, single parent, government housing, Food stamp, disability, public school failure of America? Liberal policies have kept this person on the Reverends Al Sharpton/Jessie Jackson Democrat Plantation...we saw hundreds if not thousands of her ilk stranded in NO during Katrina...is this what will happen to our new amnesty citizens so they will vote for a Democrat? Thank you Ms. Jeantel for your display of “the hyphenated American”.
Creepy Ass-Cracker: White Person with gun.
(Simple) Cracker: Unarmed White person, elsewhere defined as "Prey".
I was wondering, since she defamed Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker”, she has obviously changed the ground rules. Can we now refer to her as a “lying-ass N-word”. (And no, I mean the word that the silly minced oath ‘N-word’ actually stands for.)
I’ve offered two people the opportunity to look up “ass cracker” on urbandictionary.com but they both declined quite vehemently.
The thing is, the morbidly obese ghetto mama doesn’t care that it’s a slur, and, in fact, is pleased to use it.
What is that thick roll around the female Mike Tyson’s neck? Looks like Mandela necklaced her and covered the tire with a layer of flesh.
It is sickening to see that our culture has been flogged and browbeaten with political correctness to the point that the legal bureaucracy, courts, the media and most people are so whipped that they take this feral, ignorant, tub of lard seriously.
Or they pretend to take her seriously and act as if she is just a regular, normal human being so that others won’t label them close-minded or GASP! -— Racist!!!