Let the impeachment begin.
Well don’t anyone finding out the Dems are using the NSA Data to win elections
That may only be good against foreign enemies. In this case, WE are the enemy.
The list, Ping
Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list
Tr@nsp@rent my @$$.
“The Obama administration is invoking an obscure legal privilege to avoid judicial scrutiny of its secret collection of the communications of potentially millions of Americans.”
Let’s get real. Obama is only worried about WON person being scrutinized by the judicary. His records are probably right there, too.
No BC? Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels
Treason? Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels.
More murdered?
Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels.
More al Qaeda weaponized?
Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels.
IRS abuse?
Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels.
Americans abused?
Congress cashes checks and visits its brothels.
YES to all, and the Congress had better get it together
because the People have had it with Congressional
KIDDIE brothels, and their fondness for Islam,
and their LIES, and discrimination against Americans,
and their rules, which are ONLY for OTHERS.
Seriously, this is only going to make it worse for Zero.
How about the American people invoke a special privilege called the Fourth Amendment to stop the government from data mining everything we do.
This has to stop. If they are allowed to get away with this we are all slaves.
It’s endless. .
State Secrets?
We’ve become the Soviet Union.
The gubbmint steals our banking info, and the chi-coms can hack the gubbmint anytime they want. Yep, gonna cancel that Identity theft company tomorrow.
The Obama administration is totally insane.
There is no place under our Constitution for state secrets. Our government is our most dangerous enemy.