In my house, that happened one night in November, 2008.
You're telling me. My wife was inconsolable for weeks afterwards, and I was a literal zombie for about three days. I don't think a national political event has ever had such an emotional impact on me.
The first time was bad. I considered it a mistake, a terrible mistake but deserved. McLame lost because he earned it.
The second time was terrible. One point is random, two is a trend and the trend is national insanity.
The impact on me has been like the death of a loved one.
FOR me it took place NOV., 2012.
You’re telling me. My wife was inconsolable for weeks afterwards, and I was a literal zombie for about three days. I don’t think a national political event has ever had such an emotional impact on me.
I know what you mean. This gal literally cried herself to sleep that night. I was distraught for several weeks, and I have not fully recovered, as I realize that there will never be another honest federal election in my lifetime. The Rats have the voter fraud machine working full time now.