Ummm... No...
Why would they fear drone strikes in the USA?
I'm using your post because you mentioned drones.
My question is, why didn't they use a drone to find this bomber?
I think the truth is somewhere between your opposing positions.
It IS true that “the fear of the U.S.” can be quite effective, especially when directed at foreign leaders. Excellent, easily documented examples are certain former dictators Musharraf and Gaddafi, and that was well before the advent of drone strikes. I would certainly look forward to seeing Southack’s links.
On the other hand, the Israelis have been fairly effective at taking out terrorist leaders for many years, and that hasn’t deterred Hamas or Hezbollah much that I can tell.
I also doubt that in many cases a suicide bomber or a terrorist willing to strap a bomb onto himself to blow himself up with others, rather than being captured, is worried too much about U.S. drone strikes. As was learned in the Iran-Iraq war, or even in the second Gulf War, there are PLENTY of fanatics perfectly willing to go out on suicide missions. Higher-ups in the organization very well might worry about their own skins, but might be just as likely to try to further remove traceable links to themselves, as to give up their “Holy War”.
Here within the U.S. there is another factor, which I was discussing with my wife, earlier today. Here, the media publishes virtually every detail of how suspects (such as the Boston Bombers) are found. This of course includes what actions and mistakes the suspects make, even if the mistakes are not always identified by the media as such. The two Boston Bombers clearly made many such mistakes that could for the most part be easily avoided by the next terrorists. These bombers also failed to take many actions that would have made them harder to find — they really seem to have been amateurs in many ways, even if their intent was simply to create havoc as long as possible.
Taken a step further, the fact that these two, and especially Dzokhar Tsarnaev, got as far as they did, while being as inept as they were, in the midst of an incredible law enforcement presence, would tell any foreign power willing to risk conflict with the U.S. in the first place, that here lies a golden opportunity to create extensive havoc in this country.
You poor thing. I named Chechnya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc...
Public school?
They told you those places were in the U.S.?!
It also occured to me this morning that in the more specific case of spillover from Chechnya, why would terrorists from Chechnya or Dagestan (etc.) fear U.S. drone strikes?