“Am I dreaming this?”
Why yes, you are. Our elected leadership couldn’t possibly be this mind-numbingly stupid.
The only long term strategy our government (Democrats) has is the perpetual sustainment of their power. That said, the unfortunate fact is that each temporary proponent (the elected politicians) care only that this country sustain itself for the duration of the terms they have assumed they will have.
In other words, Obama, while a long-term ideologue, is really only willing to go for broke on efforts that don’t have an impact during his two terms. For example, the severe ACA impacts were delayed until after his first term. Even now, the most severe impacts are being constantly eased upon the most vocal groups aligned with him for another 2,3, 4 years. He really doesn’t give a sh!t what happens later because it fits with his philosopy of total devolvement into third/fourth world status so that Islam and socialism can remake it/us.
They can, and are, that stupid. Kerry us a fool.
They aren't stupid. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.