To: Lazamataz
I know this may be going against the grain of this thread, but if Google has a policy of not doing these “doodles” for any religious holiday, then I’m OK with them not doing one for Easter or Christmas. And while having the Chavez doodle on Easter was not a good idea, I’m not offended by it. There are plenty of reasons to dislike Google — don’t get me wrong — but I can’t get too worked up about this.
5 posted on
04/01/2013 6:22:12 AM PDT by
Opinionated Blowhard
("When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.")
To: Opinionated Blowhard
They DID remember to marke Islamic holidays... don’t forget - or fall for this left-handed apology.
The must be taking some serious heat. I have taken Google off as my defautl search engine and switched to Bing. I’ll try them for a while.
Does anyone want or need instructions on how to remove google?
13 posted on
04/01/2013 6:25:07 AM PDT by
Mr. K
(There are lies, damned lies, statistics, and democrat talking points.)
To: Opinionated Blowhard
but if Google has a policy of not doing these doodles for any religious holiday, Problem is that they don't have such a policy.
69 posted on
04/01/2013 6:53:22 AM PDT by
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Promotional Fee Paid for by "Ouchies" The Sharp, Prickly Toy You Bathe With!)
To: Opinionated Blowhard
I know this may be going against the grain of this thread, but if Google has a policy of not doing these doodles for any religious holiday, then Im OK with them not doing one for Easter or Christmas. I seem to recall several years or more ago they did a special "doodle" logo for Ramadan or some other special Islamic day.
Could be I'm mistaken but I'm almost certain it was a topic of discussion here at the time.
86 posted on
04/01/2013 7:05:03 AM PDT by
Iron Munro
To: Opinionated Blowhard
But didn’t they do a kwanza and an eid al-fitr doodle?
94 posted on
04/01/2013 7:10:53 AM PDT by
To: Opinionated Blowhard
However Socialism is a religion, where Man is god.
So the doodle was indeed religious.
157 posted on
04/01/2013 8:48:10 AM PDT by
American in Israel
(A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
To: Opinionated Blowhard
Be sure to check Google out on Memorial Day, July 4, Veteran’s Day, Washington’Birthday, etc. - might change your opinion ... ;-)
202 posted on
04/01/2013 11:24:54 AM PDT by
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