Sounds like a target-rich environment.
Ah, Obama’s “civilian army” warming up a bit in Chitown.
"My kind of town, Chicago is" - NOT. Just keep disarming yourself, Chicago, and see what happens when the mobs know you are easy prey.
And this is why a 30 shot mag is necessary.
The former Obama chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel is doing a great job in Chicago. Under his visionary leadership Chicago is sinking into a cesspool of violence, indolence and hopelessness.
Gee. I guess that taught them. They sure won't do that again.
In an earlier time, that sentence might have concluded "...never to be seen again."
Yet liberals believe that gun control will make these urban areas safe. Forget politically correct propaganda. That mob is the sad result of the decadence that liberal policies spawn. Hypocrites like Rahm Emmanuel should enroll his kids in Chicago’s union controlled public schools and get a dose of reality.
Ever notice how these “Amish” (sic) punks are so brave when there in a crowd and are cowardly twerps when by themselves.
The mobs can have Chicago. Eff ‘em and eff Mayor Ballerina.
The current unjust “justice” department will not prosecute feral street gangs because they are the “oppressed” “downtrodden” “etcbull$h!t”
The left is trying to take away guns from normal, non-violent citizens. (Translation: White)
Therefore ........... (you figure it out)
If this continues, Chicago will soon begin to resemble Detroit.
Well, that'll learn 'em!
Whenever you have a violent crime and the media doesn't mention the assailants race, it will turn out that the perp was black nearly 100% of the time.
If someone were to assemble a six man team of marathon running knife fighters in a “v” formation, they would reduce this mob like a hot knife through butter. Their mission would be simple: keep the formation, and give 4-6” hopefully abdominal gashes on every “yoot” within range. And keep moving.
By the time the report of dozens of cut and bleeding “wilder’s” started reaching the police, the team would be blocks away and making good their escape in an unmarked van.
Importantly, this many bladed weapons victims at once would quickly overwhelm the nearby hospitals, so mortality through “bleeding out” would be high. By the time the authorities got it together, the team would be a state away, all forensic evidence eliminated, and they would be sipping cocktails at different tables in a sports bar, while rooting for their favorite team.
Any chance the NK’s can nuke Chicago?
Reason 516 I don’t live anywhere near Chitown.
Would you want to live in a town that has a Murder Mayor running it? More likely, the town runs the mayor.