My son and I were discussing how people nationwide are literally and physically moving away from the Democrats. Now that the Democrats have impoverished the north with their nonsense, people are moving south. People are moving out of California. People are moving out of the US. You would think the Democrats would catch on..........
So whats the deal? He spends more than half his year in Puerto Rico and he gets taxed in Puerto Rico. He will have to visit NYC from time to time to do business so he will get hit with NY State taxes income taxes for each day he is there
Hats off to him, I say. Note however when enough such folks move there, I bet PR will be made a state and the party will be over.
The only people who welcome a Marxist dicatorship like the one Obama’s seeking are the commissars who stand to gain political power over the masses (for commissars, read Democrats, and a handful of Quisling Republicans who mistakenly believe they’ll be allowed to retain power after the revolution).
The masses welcome it all until they find out that all the blessings sent their way by the commissars were only a con calculated to gain acceptance for the revolution.
As soon as the commissars gain power, they shut out everyone else and retreat to their dachas, going out only to attend party meetings and shop at the well-stocked stores reserved for... yes, that’s right... commissars only, comrade.
It’s such an old game, you’d think everyone would know it by now, but, yes, “Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.” And Obama and his minions have rightly observed that Americans, by and large, are too busy with their bread and circuses to pay attention to the gradual erosion of constitutional guarantees or the enormous growth of the apparatus of State Security.
Massively ironic that, in twenty years or so, free Russians and Chinese will be sitting around their well-stocked tables and deploring those poor communist idiots in the United States.
Good for him. He’s probably paid out a lot of taxes in his time to NYS and FedGov. He’s proabably risked a lot in his investments and doesn’t want to see it get pissed away into such important things as: ‘pottery classes in Morocco’, funding obamacare, funding that idiot to fly AF-1 to his 12x/year vacations, etc.
There are no federal taxes applied to the island because its not a state.
Its the ultimate tax haven - for those who brush up on their Spanish.
Its not a tax haven if you work there, the state taxes are fairly high.
It appears they don’t tax money you earn outside the territory, though.
Puerto Rican’s are considered Americans with the vote but are not required to pay U.S. taxes. Good deal for them! We should close that loop-hole.
Any wealthy person who does NOT consider leaving is simply foolish. A wise person considers all possible avenues and solutions,, and chooses from among them. To disdain any option simply invites failure. The US is clearly hostile towards those with wealth. If we show no loyalty to the wealthy, by continually electing hate-filled class-warfare Socialists, they owe us no loyalty in return. They certainly do not owe any loyalty to the US, which is no longer the country it was.