Posted on 03/06/2013 9:53:49 AM PST by yoe
“More than 7 days of food and here comes a Hellfire w/your name on it...”
Just pinged some of our preppers to that post of mine. We knew Homeland Security had us on a possible terrorist list but now looks like we may have been elevated to their drone death list. I don’t take kindly to death drones in Texas. Can drones be french fried or used to burn for fuel?
And just up the page going strong is the American Idol thread with almost 3k replies....pathetic.
Looks like Paul will go down in history as the first Senator in the 21st Century to put in an honest eight-hour work day.
Would love it if Rand received more views today than American Idol! Not counting on it, though!
Keep going, Mr. Paul!
Anyone start a twitter up so we can ask Paul questions?
Hmmmm... even the ACLU is backing him...
Should we be sending messages (e-Mails) to be read by another senator as Sen. Cruz did with the Tweets? (I don’t do Twitter.) Where would I send them?
The Senate has apparently changed the filibuster rules again.
Old days, a filibuster continued until the speaker relinquished the floor.
A few years ago, when Frist was majority leader (IIRC), they allowed filibusters to take place in 2-hour sessions. The speaker could stop after 2 hours and be allowed to continue at a later time.
UNREAL! C-Span left coverage of Rand Paul for a re-run of the Holder hearing this afternoon?
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! what a bunch of WHIMPS!!! NO wonder I hang up on the RNC when they make their weekly plea for money!
Twitter is exploding with this topic...#RandPaul #filibuster #StandwithRand
Paul - This is about trying to shame the president into doing the right thing.
Paul talks about privacy rights with drones - maybe we need to revisit the open spaces rights...
I’m not a twitiot either, but I would hope somebody on Paul’s staff is minding the store. Paul’s official senate site allows for contact at:
I’m watching/listening on C Span-2. He’s still on.
I am watching Rand live on CSPAN2 now.
It almost has to run, because the Senate is still in session and CSPAN2 is the channel which shows the proceedings of the Senate — as long as it is in session. it! Watching and saying prayers for Sen Rand, as well.
I’ve been watching Rand Paul ALL afternoon!
I was really jazzed to see Senator Cruz read the tweets to him.
I’m watching on-line C-span.
What if he has to go to the Bathroom???
Last check Fox was covering it with a PIP in the corner of the screen. CNN also covering it. MSMBC has ignored it.
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