Can we get rid of it now?
It’s likely due to the students being unable to read the story problems (shakes head).
A public school education is child abuse IMHO.
They don’t need no algeeebra....Those peoples at Walmart, H&R Block and all the other tax places will figure their ‘returns’ for them.....get that RAL (refund anticipation loan on EITC) check NOW! Don’ need to wait on no stinkeeng gubment check!
I bet everyone gets an ‘A’ in Activism though...
This is clearly cultural insensitivity towards Arabs.
Less people know the difference of two thirds or three quarters and how to solve equations, the easier for the State to steal from them ........
To be honest, I didn’t take algebra until freshman year in HS. But I completed calculus in my senior year, so I could test out in college.
That said, the 800 lb elephant in the room is race. Until education once again becomes a priority in the black and brown communities (at the family level), nothing will fix these problems.
When I was going to school in the 60s, only the brighter students were given algebra in the 8th grade. Everyone else got it in the 9th.
(rolling eyes)
Dey don’t need know no rithmatic. Dey jes keep swiping dey EBT card until it don work no mo. Den dey go to de welfare office and get mo owebama stash added to it.
All reasonable and valid criticisms of public education aside, and there are many, not every eighth grader is ready for algebra. Some percentage of children may never master algebra. Not everyone should go to college. Not every child can be above average.
It’s all part of comprehensive voter training.
If the Klu Klux Klan were to conceive a plan to keep minorities poor and ignorant, they couldn’t have come up with anything nearly as diabolical and effective as the current public school system.
And colleges now offer remedial classes for writing and math before the college level courses. In other words they are doing the job of the free public high schools.
Such “standards” do not allow childern to learn at a pace that is suited to their mental abilities. My daughter is graduating HS taking Algebra II. There was no way that she would have been ready for Algebra in the 8th grade. This is due to her being diagnosed with Ausbergers AND a every poor math system being taught in elementary called “Everyday Math”.
So--just extrapolating a bit here--if a student takes algebra in HS, then they're officially doomed in college? Is this coming from the same people who say your three-year old must be reading Melville or he'll NEVER amount to anything?
Outcome based education is a live and well in Kalifornia.
Another elephant in the room is that California passed a law requiring that homosexual history be taught. So, we are dropping a useful subject such as algebra, but requiring useless teaching to honor Harvey Milk and others for their alleged contributions to our civilization. Go figure.
Even California students need basic math.
“If you have 3 tacos, 1 stolen handgun with 2 magazines and 5 crack rocks how many things do you have?”
I don’t see the big deal about this. I was always good in math, but didn’t take algebra until the 9th grade. My high school math education (in the 70’s):
9th grade: algebra I
10th grade: geometry
11th grade: algebra II
12th grade: trigonometry (purely as an elective, no math required after successfully completing the preceding three years)
I made straight A’s in all math classes, and they were labeled as “enriched” classes - we didn’t have AP classes back then that would count towards college credit — we had to take tests instead. I took the test and placed out of both semesters of college algebra, went straight to calculus and made A’s as well.
As long as algebra is still available for those that want to take it in the 8th grade, this is much ado about nothing. I will say that my 8th grade math class was a waste of time, and I should have skipped it and started in on algebra I instead.