Exit Polls: Obama Gains With Latinos, Romney Gains With Evangelicals
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/exit-polls-obama-gains-with-latinos-romney-gains-with-evangelicals-84574/#eTzf0QwPTpFcgaBO.99
Thanks for posting that. It is exactly how I figured, but there is a bunch of nonsense out there about how Christians refused to vote for a Mormon, so it is all their fault Romney lost. I figured that was bunk.
We are simply outnumbered by ...
* The gimme cult
* The race cult
* The vagina cult
* The sodom cult
* The drug cult
* The entertainment cult
* The cult of Marx
* The democrat cult
It’s a formidable coalition that seems to be growing every day.
Well the morons youth & minorities went for ODumbo he got the college students to go out and vote in droves, but they will not have jobs when they graduate, and I hope their parents will not take them in, as they thumb their noses at their parents, take their money, allow them to pay outrageous tuition fees to go to godless colleges where they are brainwashed, and then they think they can take even more advantage of their soft-hearted moms and dads!!! It makes me sick!!!
This cannot be true because Romney got 2 million votes less than mccain did.
Not sure why it makes any sense to compare the evangelical vote to the youth and minority vote combined. Some are definitely obsessed with voting blocs.
I think to a degree we were sandbagged.
I picked up NO discernable passion for Obama anwhere out there. Hardly any yard signs even. Obviously in hindsight a deliberate tactic to stay under the radar.
Evidently they have their own closed communication pipeline into minorities and yutes using Twitter or somesuch. I became suspicious when my daughter kept coming home from college asking me “did you hear Obama is going to forgive all our student loans?” Evidently they had a way to circulate that rumor on college campi away from my daily travels.
If he managed to get all their votes anyway without giving them that, either they are dumber or he’s an even bigger charlatan than I suspected.
Does anyone have numbers that include ALL the people who claim to be Evangelicals rather than numbers that do not include Black and Hispanic Evangelicals?
amalytical translations - go “Evagelicals”, get out there and be MORE evangelical among “the youth and minorities” so YOU bring more of them with you the next time we all get together
The Church Re Elected President Obama
reenysrambles.com ^ | 11/08/2012 | n/a
Posted on Thursday, November 08, 2012 11:43:33 AM by massmike
Yes, you read that title correctly.
In total Obama received more support from religious groups than did Romney, but there are some rather surprising totals in the individual listings. First of all, you have the Catholic vote. As we all know there was a huge issue this year when the Supreme Court ruled on ObamaCare because of the mandate that violated the religious freedom of the Catholic Church. It is against the Catholic teaching to use contraceptives or have an abortion, and within this bill is a mandate forcing Catholic institutions to provide contraceptives and abortificient drugs, within their insurance, to their employees. This was a huge deal, AND YET 50% of the Catholic vote went to him?
Post-election, the propaganda machine is working overtime on payback:
Evangelicals plunge America into darkness mislead polls and stay home on Election Day
The Church Re Elected President Obama