Bigger disappointment on the way Roger..that...
1 posted on
10/11/2012 11:03:40 AM PDT by
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To: Snuph
How can you “not for a minute” believe that someone has a chance to win a contest that is currently tied 50-50?
Guess they don’t teach logic at film critic school.
To: Snuph
Go have another creme brulet, Rog, and chill...........
3 posted on
10/11/2012 11:06:13 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(Is it just me, or is Hillary! starting to look like Benjamin Franklin?.................)
To: Snuph
To: Snuph
A depression has descended upon me.
And millions of other libs.
5 posted on
10/11/2012 11:06:30 AM PDT by
To: Snuph
And when Romney wins, Ebert will be moaning, “How could this have happened? Absolutely nobody I know would have voted for him.”
6 posted on
10/11/2012 11:06:30 AM PDT by
("Free speech is more important than Islam.")
To: Snuph
I have been harrassing Roger Ebert (among other liberal celebrity meatheads) on Twitter and Facebook for supporting Obama, for months now. I am sure he is sick and tired of me by now!
To: Snuph
Another entertainment connected person who lives in lala land.
To: Snuph
Let’s chip in to buy Rog a one-way ticket to Cuba so he can live in the fascist-communist worker’s paradise he so desires.
To: Snuph
Roger Ebert is the epitome of The Chicago Way.
11 posted on
10/11/2012 11:07:57 AM PDT by
E. Pluribus Unum
(That was sarcasm, you moron.)
To: Snuph
If Roger Ebert gives a movie five starts, you know it’s a lousy, liberal love-fest, and the hero is probably gay.
14 posted on
10/11/2012 11:08:43 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: Snuph
If Roger Ebert gives a movie five stars, you know it’s a lousy, liberal love-fest, and the hero is probably gay.
16 posted on
10/11/2012 11:08:47 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: Snuph
"A depression has descended upon me.No Roge, that's that liberal mental disorder you've had most of your life.
17 posted on
10/11/2012 11:08:59 AM PDT by
("Intellect is not wisdom" -- Thomas Sowell)
To: Snuph
More Liberal hysterics. They are past masters of both self-delusion and denial.
Reality is an alien concept to them!
19 posted on
10/11/2012 11:09:26 AM PDT by
("The man who has no inner-life is a slave to his surroundings. "Henri Frederic Amiel)
To: Snuph
Well Rog, I look at the “empty chair” and fear for your soul.
20 posted on
10/11/2012 11:09:32 AM PDT by
To: Snuph
Since we're sort of discussing movies..
The other day, someone on NationalReviewOnline posted this review of Taken2
I've see Taken
I've seen Taken2
If you see Taken2
Then you'll be taken too.
21 posted on
10/11/2012 11:09:53 AM PDT by
(Barack Obama: An empty suit sitting in an empty chair...)
To: Snuph
For both him and Bucktooth Dave on Late Night...
22 posted on
10/11/2012 11:09:53 AM PDT by
Hotlanta Mike
(Resurrect the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)...before there is no America!)
To: Snuph
Roger, your fellow Americans spent their hard-earned cash to go to movies, allowing you the tremendous opportunity to make a living (I would guess a substantial living) watching movies and giving us your opinion about them. Many of those same people have had their lives turned upside down by the administration you support. Further, their core values are often mocked by the Hollywood elite you call your friends. Do you care? Doesn't sound like it. Sounds like you, like most of your liberal friends, are agenda driven, and the rest of us be damned.
To: Snuph
I got a place where you can stick that thumb, Roger.
To: Snuph
I spend so much time
Believing all the lies
To keep the dream alive
Now it makes me sad
It makes me mad at truth
For loving what was you
Les yeux sans visage eyes without a face
Les yeux sans visage eyes without a face
Les yeux sans visage eyes without a face
Got no human grace your eyes without a face.
25 posted on
10/11/2012 11:11:15 AM PDT by
(Looting the future to bribe the present)
To: Snuph
26 posted on
10/11/2012 11:11:24 AM PDT by
(The Disaster MUST Go. Sarah herself supports Romney.)
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