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To: Colofornian

[Americans perceive Mormonism as “very different” from their own religious beliefs.]

They believe in Christ - a different story - but it’s better than believing in Socialism - which we now have in the W/H.
Or maybe Islam??? Everything about Commissar Obmam is unknown...

I believe the author of this piece is hoping the majority of Conservatives, Tea Party, GOP, and cross-over Democrats don’t vote at all - and Obama wins with a minority being the majority vote...

I don’t think we need to worry about religion - it’s about turning this nation around back to the way Reagan had it... and keep it there!

8 posted on 08/09/2012 5:49:14 PM PDT by BCW (
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They believe in Christ - a different story - but it’s better than believing in Socialism - which we now have in the W/H.

Well, don't "conveniently" forget Mitt's statism in MA...including being THE pioneer of socialist healthcare...(what a short "memory" conservatives seem to have 'round here)

Oh, and as for "socialism" in Mitt's "faith of his fathers" that he openly embraces, it wound up "inspiring" Russia's communism per a Mormon writer (see far column at right, first row below)

Time to review just a few "hints & clues" -- coupled with what I said in my last post...

How has Romney's Mormonism effected his governing in Bay State & His campaign statements?

GOV. Romney Mormon 'scripture' & History Sources Quotes
ObamaCare based upon RomneyCare [SoConPubbie has posted some threads the week of April 16, 2012 along these lines]. In addition, what about Romney's $50 taxpayer-subsidized abortions -- and some $0 abortions -- he permanently imposed a Planned Parenthood rep into supervision of RomneyCare? (Since he vetoed other portions of that legislation, the Planned Parenthood rep section was also something he could have vetoed). For all of the pro-abortion damage done by Romney in the Bay State, see: RomneyCare Now Funding FREE Abortions: A Disqualifier for Mitt Romney’s Candidacy [Enabler Mitt] Mitt's Mormonism embraced socialism/communism under the 'United Order' – sacred commands still on the Mormon “scriptures” – depicted to be “everlasting” commandments of the Mormon god The Mormon socialistic/communistic “everlasting” nature of the “United Order” depicted in Lds “scriptures” – Doctrine & Covenants 82:18-19 and 104:1, 48, 53. Even Lds author George Givens described Brigham Young’s communist-built community of Orderville, Utah as “pure communism”: "When Brigham Young established Orderville and similar United Orders, John Taylor was less than enthusiastic. He realized that enterprises such as Orderville were pure communism and not the law of consecration. He made this plain after he became President, when in 1882 he sent an epistle to all authorities of the Church in which he bluntly stated: 'We had no example of the 'United Order' in accordance with the word of God on the subject...Our relations with the world and our own imperfections prevent the establishment of this system [i.e. the system of consecration and stewardship spoken of at times as the 'United Order'] at the present time, as was stated by Joseph in an early day, it cannot yet be carried out.'" (George W. Givens, 500 More Little-Known Facts in Mormon History, 2004, p. 169)"One of the most famous utopian books ever written was Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy, published in 1889. Some scholars believe Looking Backward had considerable influence in the making of Lenin's Soviet Russia. If this is true, then [ensuing Lds "prophet"] Lorenzo Snow and the Latter-day Saints must receive some of the credit--or blame. Hearing of the success of the United Order in Brigham City, Edward Bellamy made a special trip to Utah in 1886 to study its operation. There he spent three days with Lorenzo Snow, Brigham City's founder and forty-year resident. Impressed with the thirty to forty industries run by its 2,000 inhabitants and the vitality at that time of one of the most successful United Orders, Bellamy returned home and wrote his influential book." (500 More Little-Known Facts in Mormon History, p. 185). Way to go, 19th century Mormon leader-“prophets” of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor & Lorenzo Snow!!! They all unwittingly fueled Soviet Communism!
Mitt Romney is incredibly soft on illegal aliens Recent Lds history: 2 LDS branch presidents in Utah deported to Guatemala, El Salvador 10 reasons Christians should reject Romney “In 2006 Gov. Romney supported the president’s immigration policy as well as the McCain-Kennedy bill. He expressed support for an immigration program that places large numbers of illegal residents on the path toward citizenship. …” [without requiring they return home and wait their turn, allowing them to cut in line before law-abiding immigrants] Never mind that Romney hired (then fired) illegal aliens to landscape his yard. If Romney supports unlimited amnesty without any rule of law, how will he stand on national security?
Gov. Romney pro-civil unions for same-sex couples 2002-2005 (before he turned against it) and he is still in favor of taxpayer-funded domestic partnership benefits for sexual minorities. He says he supports 'Partnership agreements'. Also, Gov. Romney sucked up to the Bay State Gay Log Cabin...saying he would give the GLBT youth funding a greater spotlight at the fed level to emulate…he was endorsed twice by the Log Cabin Club of MA; he said in 1994 and reiterated in 2007 that he was in favor of forcing businesses to hire alternative sexual minorities (in ’94 he wanted feds to do it; now he wants the states to do it...his third position on that issue). Recent Lds history: Homosexual rights: Mormon church supports Salt Lake City's protections for gay rights and Mormons Back Salt Lake City Gay Rights Laws 10 reasons Christians should reject Romney and “Mitt Romney’s deception, His Stealth Promotion of ”Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts,” book by Amy Contrada Per Amy Contrada’s book, “Mitt Romney’s deception, His Stealth Promotion of ”Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts,” Gov. Romney, from 2003-2006: worked closely with homosexual activists and pro-gay rights advisers; implemented “gay marriage” through his executive departments without legislative authorization, violating the Massachusetts Constitution; pushed a constitutional amendment strategy doomed to failure, and ignored the call to remove the activist judges who ruled for “gay marriage”; funded and promoted GLBT indoctrination in the public schools through his “Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth,” and his Department of Education “Safe Schools” programs; undermined religious freedom, failing to defend Catholic Charities in the “homosexual adoptions” fiasco; continued or implemented radical homosexual and transgender programs in his executive departments.
Most years of Romney's “record” which he has talked about abortion, 1994, 2002, 2003, 2004 -- he has used his candidate and gubernatorial “bully pulpit” to encourage female citizens, readers & listeners to be “pro-choice” about the baby inside of them. (For those who try to claim he’s "changed," he’s equivocated in 2007 numerous times about what his pre-2007 stance was…saying in January of '07 he’s “always been for life” and saying in August '07 that he never called himself “pro-choice,” never allowed himself to feel or call himself pro-choice, and that he was “never pro-choice.” By December of 2007, he was telling Katie Couric in an interview that it was “OK” for parents to “donate” their otherwise adoptable embryos to “research”, “how pro-life” of him...Should all parents consider such “donations” – regardless of the age of their offspring? Why not, Mitt? And click on the first link in the "sources" column to the right to see the true abortion "legacy" of Romney, especially the year 2006 For the official Mormon church position on abortion, see Apparently, it's "OK" for an abortion if... (a) Incest needs to be covered up; (b) The baby is disabled and needs to be destroyed accordingly; (c) Mom's "health" (whatever that means...distinct from saying "life" of the mother); (d) If the abortionist says it's "OK"; (e) If the Mormon god says it's "OK" in prayer...E alone above could "justify" abortion to individual Mormons as long it overrides the person's conscience!
RomneyCare Now Funding FREE Abortions: A Disqualifier for Mitt Romney’s Candidacy [Enabler Mitt]; See also: GOP frontrunner Romney shirks pro-life pledge: Bachmann, Santorum criticize; Ann Romney Reveals Mitt's Softer Side (see quote next column); Candidates Reveal Their Biggest Mistakes (see quote next column) November, 2011, Parade Magazine interview: In the past you’ve said he’s changed positions only once, on abortion. Was that your doing? No, no, I never talked to Mitt about that. Our personal opinions have never changed; we’ve always been pro-life ( December 4, 2007: Romney: ...surplus embryos...Those embryos, I hope, could be available for adoption for people who would like to adopt embryos. But if a parent decides they would want to donate one of those embryos for purposes of research, in my view, that's acceptable. It should not be made against the law." Any "inquiring minds" want to try wrapping their minds around how a politician in one sentence mentions "adopting" embryos out (yes, a great thing to mention!) -- but then in the very NEXT breath says if a "PARENT" wants to be "pro-choice" (Mitt used the word "decides" which is what "pro-choicers" say they want) "to donate one of those embryos for purposes of research, in my view, that's acceptable." Say what???? How about 8-month gestationally-aged infants in the womb, Mitt? Or already-born infants, too, Mitt? If a "parent decides they would want to donate one of those...for purposes of research, in my view, that's acceptable..." No??? What's the 'pro-life' difference, Mitt? Here you call an embryo's mom&dad "parents" -- but "parents" w/ "research" give-away rights? How bizarre we have such schizophrenic "candidate!"
What about Marion G. Romney, cousin to Mitt's father? Who was he in Lds hierarchy? (Title: 'President' - Top 3 of church as 2nd counselor to both #11 & #12 Lds 'prophets') (Things As They Really Are, p. 73). Cited in official Lds publication, Search the Commandments: Melchizedek Priesthood Personal Study Guide, pp. 275-276 (1984) "Elder Neal A. Maxwell has said: 'Following the living prophets is something that must be done in all seasons and circumstances. We must be like President Marion G. Romney, who humbly said, '..I have never hesitated to follow the counsel of the Authorities of the Church even though it crossed my social, professional, and political life' (Conference Report, April 1941, p. 123). There are, or will be moments when prophetic declarations collide with our pride or our seeming personal interests...Do I believe in the living prophet even when he speaks on matters affecting me and my specialty directly? Or do I stop sustaining the prophet when his words fall in my territory? if the latter, the prophet is without honor in our country!

16 posted on 08/09/2012 5:55:09 PM PDT by Colofornian (Why don't you 'birthers' ask Mitt about his 'spirit-birth' on planet near Kolob? Hypocrisy @ work?)
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I don’t think we need to worry about religion - it’s about turning this nation around back to the way Reagan had it... and keep it there!

Really? There is ONLY ONE who 'can' and 'has' blessed this country!

Reagan was not godless. He was a God-fearing man! - And it's impossible to turn anything around when you kicked The Source/God out and replaced IT/HIM with the godless. You had four years of the godless, now you are clamoring for more!

42 posted on 08/09/2012 6:44:58 PM PDT by presently no screen name
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it’s about turning this nation around back to the way Reagan had it... and keep it there!

Do you honestly believe that Romney is the one to do that?

62 posted on 08/09/2012 8:27:21 PM PDT by Graybeard58 (Free people, when presented only with evil choices, create other choices.(EternalVigilance))
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>>They believe in Christ
Uhuh. As the brother of Lucifer.
>>I don’t think we need to worry about religion
Maybe you should just leave it with "I don't think"  --- because Thomas Jefferson and the other folks who articulated the American Declaration of Indipendance evidently thought about the purview of religious fraudsters quite a bit:


"...who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men, have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavoring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world, and through all time;
 that it is time enough for the rightful purposes of civil government, for its officers to interfere when principles break out into overt acts against peace and good order; and finally, that truth is great and will prevail if left to herself, that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons, free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them. "
--The Virginia Act For Establishing Religious Freedom
--Thomas Jefferson, 1786

106 posted on 08/10/2012 1:53:44 AM PDT by OldEarlGray (The POTUS is FUBAR until the White Hut is sanitized with American Tea)
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Mormons do not believe in Christ. They accept that Jesus was a man but that his father and him were unique people. The father, God, in Mormon belief, was a man before he become the god of earth. Mormons vehemently reject the trinity.

116 posted on 08/10/2012 7:10:21 AM PDT by Louis Foxwell (Better the devil we can destroy than the Judas we must tolerate.)
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They believe in Christ - a different story...

Yeah a FALSE one!

QUITE a 'different' story!

"Now the way he translated was he put the urim and thummim into his hat and Darkned his Eyes than he would take a sentance and it would apper in Brite Roman Letters. Then he would tell the writer and he would write it. Then that would go away the next sentance would Come and so on. But if it was not Spelt rite it would not go away till it was rite, so we see it was marvelous. Thus was the hol [whole] translated."
---Joseph Knight's journal.

"In writing for your father I frequently wrote day after day, often sitting at the table close by him, he sitting with his face buried in his hat, with the stone in it, and dictating hour after hour with nothing between us."
(History of the RLDS Church, 8 vols.
(Independence, Missouri: Herald House,1951),
"Last Testimony of Sister Emma [Smith Bidamon]," 3:356.

"I, as well as all of my father's family, Smith's wife, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, were present during the translation. . . . He [Joseph Smith] did not use the plates in translation."
---(David Whitmer,
as published in the "Kansas City Journal," June 5, 1881,
and reprinted in the RLDS "Journal of History", vol. 8, (1910), pp. 299-300.

In an 1885 interview, Zenas H. Gurley, then the editor of the RLDS Saints Herald, asked Whitmer if Joseph had used his "Peep stone" to do the translation. Whitmer replied:

"... he used a stone called a "Seers stone," the "Interpreters" having been taken away from him because of transgression. The "Interpreters" were taken from Joseph after he allowed Martin Harris to carry away the 116 pages of Ms [manuscript] of the Book of Mormon as a punishment, but he was allowed to go on and translate by use of a "Seers stone" which he had, and which he placed in a hat into which he buried his face, stating to me and others that the original character appeared upon parchment and under it the translation in English."

"Martin Harris related an incident that occurred during the time that he wrote that portion of the translation of the Book of Mormon which he was favored to write direct from the mouth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He said that the Prophet possessed a seer stone, by which he was enabled to translate as well as from the Urim and Thummim, and for convenience he then used the seer stone, Martin explained the translation as follows: By aid of the seer stone, sentences would appear and were read by the Prophet and written by Martin and when finished he would say 'Written,' and if correctly written that sentence would disappear and another appear in its place, but if not written correctly it remained until corrected, so that the translation was just as it was engraven on the plates, precisely in the language then used."
(Edward Stevenson, "One of the Three Witnesses,"
reprinted from Deseret News, 30 Nov. 1881
in Millennial Star, 44 (6 Feb. 1882): 86-87.)

In 1879, Michael Morse, Emma Smith's brother-in-law, stated:
 "When Joseph was translating the Book of Mormon [I] had occasion more than once to go into his immediate presence, and saw him engaged at his work of translation. The mode of procedure consisted in Joseph's placing the Seer Stone in the crown of a hat, then putting his face into the hat, so as to entirely cover his face, resting his elbows upon his knees, and then dictating word after word, while the scribes Emma, John Whitmer, O. Cowdery, or some other wrote it down."
(W.W. Blair interview with Michael Morse,
Saints Herald, vol. 26, no. 12
June 15, 1879,  pp. 190-91.)

Joseph Smith's brother William also testified to the "face in the hat" version:
"The manner in which this was done was by looking into the Urim and Thummim, which was placed in a hat to exclude the light, (the plates lying near by covered up), and reading off the translation, which appeared in the stone by the power of God"
("A New Witness for Christ in America,"
Francis W. Kirkham, 2:417.)

"The manner in which he pretended to read and interpret was the same manner as when he looked for the money-diggers, with the stone in his hat, while the book of plates were at the same time hid in the woods."
---Isaac Hale (Emma Smith's father's) affidavit, 1834.

132 posted on 08/10/2012 2:48:29 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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