Posted on 07/24/2012 12:21:27 PM PDT by blam
That was so intriguing. Had to stop work just to listen and recall the years past when I got my first computer and got online. I was going to sign up with Compuserve but a friend guided me to a local provider. Being a supercomputer techie, he knew what he was talking about.
I’ve regularly listened to Rush since 1988. Rush has an incredible memory and I remain a big fan of his. However when it comes to FR what you see as fondness and affection I see as somewhat detached and aloof. Thus I was not surprised by his statements today. He rarely mentions the site which is odd given FR is THE premier conservative web site and Rush is THE premier talk show host. So we’ll just have to disagree on this one. No biggie. Cheers
I’ve regularly listened to Rush since 1988. Rush has an incredible memory and I remain a big fan of his. However when it comes to FR what you see as fondness and affection I see as somewhat detached and aloof. Thus I was not surprised by his statements today. He rarely mentions the site which is odd given FR is THE premier conservative web site and Rush is THE premier talk show host. So we’ll just have to disagree on this one. No biggie. Cheers
Jim Thompson ping.
Rush doesn’t use newspapers anymore.
He uses electronic media primarily and started getting his news that way in 1986.
In 1970 the only available output interfaces were line printers, ball head printers, nixie tubes, and line display CRTs.
Graphic screen CRTs came in the early ‘80s and were rare.
If I had the clip I’d send it to you.
Rush has never been openly a freeper, but to those that were regular listeners, it was obvious that he did have an account, and had posted on several occasions.
Hannity was openly registered but didn’t last long because he couldn’t take critical comments. He became bitter about FR. (like you)
In 1952, a computer that could balance a spread sheet needed 1000 square feet of floor space, and ran with vacuum tubes that produced enough heat to warm a small sky scraper.
You’re either funny or honest, hehe! I remember my daughter’s name but can get my 3 sons mixed up easily. I DO know I have one each of each name. It’s the ages that get me. They’re all middle-aged now, so the only safe thing to say is “they’re all in their 50s”. 50 what? I dunno. sigh.
I love Rush, always have, but I quit listening to him several years ago when he would tease a segment or political topic, then MrR and I would discuss it over commercial then Rush would come on and say the same thing sometimes verbatim. It got to where we were joking that he had our house bugged.
We call it “Reganaut Echo Syndrome” and I’m sure a lot of other FReepers experienced the same thing.
I heard Rush today, too. When he said Jim from FreeRepublic but couldn’t remember your last name, I yelled at my radio, “robinson!”. But he did say the Freepers would give him heck for not knowing, and he recognized that Jim did not just give up and “made it on his own” DESPITE of, and not BECAUSE of the government.
Yes, that is a good link to some of Englebart’s research on NLS. Some of his researchers became restive and were hired by the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and they brought the mouse concept with them from their experrience with NLS. The Xerox 860IPS CAT pointing device may be seen as a takoff of the prior joystick concept, while the mouse provided more flexibility.
Joysticks used as a visual pointing deevice has been in very long use. See for example the joysticks on the control panel of the spaceship in the movie “When Worlds Collide.” During the Second World War German, British, and American armed forces used the joystick as a control and pointing device in many applications. A number of Allied warships were sunk by German guided missiles using television with a joystick to guide the missile to the targeted warship.
In the movie “Things to Come (1936)” there is a futuristic scene wherein the man is using a device on his Lucite desktop which serves a a monitor and a televised video monitor. The only control appears to be a circle on its front, which he manipulates to control the device. Is this perhaps a touchpad-mouselike control?
When talking about pointing devices, let’s not forget the graphics tablet and its 1888 ancestor, the Telautograph. I was using the Telautograph in the Air Force in 1972, and the Summagraphics graphics tablet in 1978.
Englebart’s NLS team also are noteworthy for their contribution to the early experiments with hypertext.
My sister keeps calling her son by my name. She says it’s because he’s just like I was when I was that age.
Yay, Jim!
Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.
I can still remember my mother (God rest her!) when she was really SPITTING angry with one of us, she would go:
“Richard! Michael! Albert! Robert! Sarah! MARGARET!”
As she said each name in staccato bursts, one right after the other, her voice would get louder and more exasperated and the look in her eyes would get wilder and wilder as tried in vain to get the name right.
I remember the poor woman going through every one of us. God, I do miss her!
Oh, come on! Rush was stealing our jokes! Of course the house was bugged!
A saying of the time was, "You can hook a thousand chickens to your plow, or one horse."
Nowadays, if anybody has a "horse" they use it to imitate a thousand "chickens".
Free Silly!
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