Here’s another “you don’t have standing” kick-the-can-down-the-road decision. sigh
I doubt the case challenged his ‘American citizenship’: thank you AP for mis-reporting.
Great. So now the SCOTUS agrees with Obama, that the U. S. Constitution doesn’t apply to him.
"no legal standing"
Well, it is just the eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States.
IMO any American Citizen off the street would have 100% "legal standing."
But lets not interfere with the pee-cee of the situation or pay any attention to the ever-growing truckload of evidence that indicates something is VERY wrong with our affirmative action choom-choom prezzy B's background.
The level of stupid with this is beyond comprehension.
I’ve felt that the “Fix” was in from the moment that he took the second (secret) oath of office on immaculation day. Then also there was that picture of him schmoozing with the supremos. Bad vibes from that one too.
I am beginning to lose total confidence in the Supreme Court. They are beginning to look more like part of King Obama’s organization. Getting real sad that the Court does not seem to hear properly filed cases. This standing horseshit is getting old.
Most of the people in this country knows something’s not right about this guy’s life. I believe most of the people who still worship him know it. It’s just that most people don’t care.
AP can’t resist the “birther” slur even after the Breitbart discovery of Obama’s born-in-Kenya bio completely validated the eligibility issue. The Supreme Court’s handling of Obama’s eligibility will not reflect well on the justices.
Any U. S. Citizen whatsoever should be deemed to have standing to challenge the POTUS’ ability to meet the Constitutional bar to represent them in that office.
Talk about disenfranchised! Even people who ran against this Kenyan lout have no standing?
Pray tell, who would have legal standing?
Checks and balances were provided in our system of governance to avoid the populace having to take things into their own hands. Is the SCOTUS so addled that it can’t grasp the importance of these matters enough to grant reasonable standing to citizens to demand our laws are observed?
If they ever expect to advance their cause, the NBC birthers will have to remove Obama as the least until after he's out of office. That's reality.
Can you really blame Justices Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Scaila?
Of course those Justices have the power to remove Obama from office, they must fear that Obama during the duration of the case at the SCOTUS would use his assets at the CIA to neutralize the Justices.
(Please don't step on the troll)
What was the vote?
Personally, I think everyone and anyone within the democrat's party who signed off on zero being legit should be sued so we can see just what vetting was done to ensure zero was within Constitutional compliance.
Wwhen I returned to my NY State after living in California, in order to get on the voter registration roll, I had to prove I was US citizen, show ID and a raised seal embossed original paper birth certificate, and luckily the local registrar knew my parents and whole family from my youth, and my mother attested for me coz she was on the roll too and everyone knew her.
I do not think Obummer could move to NY State and be eligible to vote here.
We are so screwed!
Is it not ironic (actually a much stronger word is required but it would get me banned) that citizens of this country are actually viewed by the black robed morons as not worthy of “standing” when the case at hand is if the grossly under-documented President of the USA has “standing” to be President?
Anyone who believes this garbage should not be allowed anywhere near our legal system.
People if you do not realize the fix is in and we are simply cash cows to be milked for the ruling elite’s enjoyment then you are in complete denial.
The very notion that a US Citizen does not have standing before the US Supreme Court is so foreign in concept to the government given to us by the founders as to defy reason.
One more instance how the progressive infested education system has cranked out millions of constitutionally ignorant people. Most could not even pass Civics 101. De-fund public education immediately before it removes all traces of the brilliance of the founders.