I said on another thread, if Walker survives this, he really MUST address the stupid same day voter registration in the state.
Elect a flippin' Kenyan to the presidency and you get a banana republic. General Idi Obama!
People responsible for voter fraud need to do hard time out of all this. Time to confront this evil practice.
We are witnessing the trial run of the DNC’s ground game in November.
Read through the thousands of complaints and inquires here.
So....do we fight fire with fire?
WI is an example of what America is. Corruption of the communists Unions and rotten illegal voters. Morals are in the crapper and we may never survive because the communists Democrats has us in a head lock. Good luck WI and it is a reflection of what America has become.
Bush could have done something about this crap in 2001.
Look for this to land up in court.
the penalty for fraudlent voting must be quick and sure death
Here is to hoping this backfires. I’m not hoping that Walker survives the voter fraud. I’m hoping that the Democrat voter fraud is so pronounced that it angers the nation’s electorate and most states pass Voter picture ID laws before the November election, killing Obama’s chances.
Just a glimpse of how the kenyan Baraq Hussein 0bama plans to hold on to power this November.
In this day and age if there’s massive voter fraud you’d think there’d be massive videos of people telling people how to pull it off.
Any exit polling showing how bad Walker is loosing yet?
With an article stating things like this are going on, Walker is doomed.
Like the coming election in November, I don't believe the democRATs can win with either voter fraud or electioneering. Methinks the numbers will be too large for their usual (or unusual) voter fraud to matter. Like in WI tonight, when Scott wins, 0bama is going to get waxed in November.
If I am wrong, there will be a very large number of people voting from the roof tops next year.
These cretins must really believe we’ll never start shooting them.
Never fear, Holder will be on the scene soon to uphold the law...............................
Dems getting sloppy in their old age...