He’s only sorry he let somebody tape him.
Too late. After Rush was all over this today, it’s just toooooo late.
The problem these a$$holes have is their rhetoric perfectly matches their act. They’ve been caught after the fact talking publicly about what they have been doing all along.
The guy is a total jerk, and also he doesn’t know history.
The Romans did not bother going after little villages, and the Turks were nowhere around the Mediterranean at the time. They were still off in Central Asia somewhere.
This EPA official obviously went to a public school. But where did he go to college? Let’s have names here!
The guy is a total jerk, and also he doesn’t know history.
The Romans did not bother going after little villages, and the Turks were nowhere around the Mediterranean at the time. They were still off in Central Asia somewhere.
This EPA official obviously went to a public school. But where did he go to college? Let’s have names here!
And people here think it would be just as bad under Romney.
Wow, just wow.
Al Armendariz
And not only has Armendariz talked about crucifying oil companies, hes tried to do it. In 2010 his office targeted Range Resources, a Fort Worth-based driller that was among the first to discover the potential of the Marcellus Shale gas field of Pennsylvania the biggest gas field in America and one of the biggest in the world. Armendarizs office declared in an emergency order that Ranges drilling activity had contaminated groundwater in Parker County, Texas. Armendarizs office insisted that Ranges hydraulic fracking activity had caused the pollution and ordered Range to remediate the water. The EPAs case against Range was catnip for the environmental fracktivists who insist with religious zealotry that fracking is evil. Range insisted from the beginning that there was no substance to the allegations.
The former professor at Southern Methodist University is a diehard environmentalist, having grown up in El Paso near a copper smelter that reportedly belched arsenic-laced clouds into the air. (Heres a profile of him in the Dallas Observer.) Texas Monthly called him one of the 25 most powerful Texans, while the Houston Chronicle said hes the most feared environmentalist in the state.
Nevermind that he couldnt prove jack against Range. For a year and a half EPA bickered over the issue, both with Range and with the Texas Railroad Commission, which regulates oil and gas drilling and did its own scientific study of Ranges wells and found no evidence that they polluted anything. In recent months a federal judge slapped the EPA, decreeing that the agency was required to actually do some scientific investigation of wells before penalizing the companies that drilled them. Finally in March the EPA withdrew its emergency order and a federal court dismissed the EPAs case.
Too late to be sorry. He scr*wed #BigguDickus right out of the water.
Problem is, there were no Turkish towns in the Mediterranean basin until the eleventh century AD at the earliest, long after AD 337, when the Romans abandoned crucifixion.
This is how they speak when they are among their ‘friends’ at the wine and brie parties or at ‘tea’ in the faculty lounges. It is their true self. They are MARXISTS to the end. (Hopefully that will be soon)
What an utterly stupid thing for him to have said ~ particularly in light of the fact that Saudi Arabia still uses that method to dispose of criminals and offensive people.
By their very nature, those attracted to a career in government are those who wish to have the power to crucify their neighbors.
The Founding Fathers went to their graves believing they had designed the perfect system by which to avoid such abuses.
Alas, they were wrong.
Yeah, they're going to sterilize the nails with alcohol before they drive them through our hands and feet.
ethical enforcement = “ethical cleansing”
“EPA: Hey, sorry about that whole crucify thing, were all about being ethical”
No you ain’t.
You’re all about being dictatorial.
And someday soon, you’re gonna get what dictators deserve .