The problem these a$$holes have is their rhetoric perfectly matches their act. They’ve been caught after the fact talking publicly about what they have been doing all along.
Rats keep digging their graves. Wanna bet he gets thrown under the bus?
“Theyve been caught after the fact talking publicly about what they have been doing all along.”
Indeed. After what the EPA did in Rampanos v US, the Congress had enough evidence to charge the EPA nazis with sedition and extortion.
No hearings were held by the worm Republicans who controlled the House back in 2003. We also had enough dirt on the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to impeach and remove every commie liberal on that court.
We need to take back the senate so Inhofe can be appointed chair of the resources committee and begin throwing these nazi pigs in prison. He knows where the bodies are buried.
Meanwhile, the drumbeat of Dictator Obama grows louder:
regulate - control - destroy - Regulate - control - destroy - REgulate - control - destroy - REGulate - control - destroy - REGU