The New Black Panther Party calls for George Zimmerman's "capture" and the Wisconsin unions want to "cut off [Governor Walker's] head." Imagine if anyone on our side said anything like this.
Despite all of the "polls", the Liberals know that most of the People are against them. If the Liberals lose, they will become violent. Don't underestimate these threats.
Any bets on when the “Not so Secretly Serviced” and the Holder’s “Just Us” departments investigate these calls for violence against an elected official?
I wager on “Never”.
I will feel much Schaudenfreude towards the libs and union people when Walker wins again. And make no mistake, he will. I’d bet the house on it.
CWII ping list ping.
Walker > Mob
As usual, Barack Obama, the self-annointed Apostle of Civility, is hangin’ with the crickets.
And yet, according to Governor Walker on his Facebook page...
“Unemployment rate down to 6.8% (lowest since 2008). In 2012, so far, 15,600 new private sector jobs in WI.”
Illinois thugs need to mind their own house before throwing stones in another state...OR making threats against a sitting Governor!!
According to the MSM, a Tea Party member who wants to cut government spending, adhere to the US Constitution and is peaceful in their protest is somehow labeled a bully,mean spirited and a potential terrorist.
Meanwhile , the left can scream Kill the Judge in referencing the Trayon Martin Case or preach Cut of His Head when referring to Scott Walker yet the MSM will say with a straight face: These folks are just PASSIONATE about their beliefs.
George Orwell is a genius.
This state is pitiful. That’s why I’m getting out. Colorado here I come!
The libs are dinosaurs in our state. They are fighting, they will loose. We are sick and tired of their antics. You can’t believe all the people I talk to who have this same opinion. We want them gone, finished and skewered. Say so long.
Where is Rev Wright when you need him???
Are you one of those fools, tools, trolls, or sleepers that associate with, or hire, or do any business whatsoever with anyone from these groups that voted for Obama in these percentages in 2008? :
It’s the unions... Of course, they think there IS a need for not just rhetoric, but real violence. Look back to when they were protesting in Madison - the whole “union world” were whipped up into “protecting WI”. Also remember where the Libs ran when they fled Madison. Another item - they are worried dearly because Walker’s reforms are working here and they KNOW it. Can’t let people believe their livelihood could be affected in a POSITIVE way by ridding the pressure of certain unions.
[I’m pretty sure you understand what I’m saying and your comment was mostly facetious?! :) ]
I liken Junken to the Queen of Hearts.
It's because common sense is addictive. It is spread by casual contact.
Sadly, it takes many exposures for some people to become infected so it is necessary for Communists in Illinois to innoculate their fellow travellers with repeated injections of stupidity.
They must not have heard all the Democrats who denounced Palin.
If the right made speeches like this against Obama, the liberal media would have an orgasm reporting it...24/7