“There is no justice left in Florida... the majority of those polled in Florida will vote for obama... they voted for him in 2008... and crime and murder against whites is growing exponentially. I will never set foot in Florida again... sadly but I just will never go there again.”
Where is your evidence of this accusation that the state had any hand in this? With this type of demagoguery, mebbe it would be a good idea for you to just stay away! We have had enough of that crapola already!
Did you know that Britain warns people not to come to your state? Seems some blacks killed two British students awhile back and your State has done little to nothing to seek justice there. Brits are not threatening to burn down Miami and they are not issuing death contracts like the nbpp is doing. NOTHING is happening to find their murderers either... plus they are white. Then you have the entire Disney World "gay pride" problem. Don't worry... I am NEVER coming back. Now I have you as another reason