We have our leftmost candidate for POTUS.
God help us all—we need a barnburner had got a tealight. Can he even win? (Nixon, Ford, Dole, Bushes, McCain....now RINORomney?) Our last REAL Conservative did win forty-nine of our fifty-seven states, after all.
Of course he can’t win... unless he can buy the votes of millions of his fellow leftists to take the place of the millions of Conservatives who won’t vote for his sorry, lying, Socialist ass.
We don’t have any candidate yet. This is the leftist press trying to convince us that we do. Don’t give in to that. We need to pour our support behind Newt and encourage Santorum to believe that principle and potentially saving the country are more important than having Romney pay off his campaign debts. He needs to ask his supporters to back Newt.
No, he can't... that never was the plan. The GOP E's plan was to hopefully hold onto the House while sacrificing the race for the White House.
On election night, Romney will be giving his concession speech before voting is finished in Mountain Time.
Of course he can, and probably will win; by appealing to his base - Moderates and disaffected Democrats.