We don’t have any candidate yet. This is the leftist press trying to convince us that we do. Don’t give in to that. We need to pour our support behind Newt and encourage Santorum to believe that principle and potentially saving the country are more important than having Romney pay off his campaign debts. He needs to ask his supporters to back Newt.
My state’s primary is next month. Guess what? I don’t HAVE to vote for Romney, and I’ll be darned if I will! I’ve waited months to vote for Gingrich and no perfectly coiffed RINO establishment Romney-loving talking head is going to tell me I can’t!!!
(I feel a little better now)
Know what? I have a feeling that in the remaining primaries there is a whole lot of conservatives who feel exactly like I do. It’s one thing to tell us Romney is the likely winner. It’s a whole other matter for him to smirk “This has been quite a day for me” when millions of us haven’t voted yet! What a jerk.