I must be missing something, but isn’t Obama a mulatto?
Technically yes, but the word “mulatto” is obsolete. He is in fact “black” or African-American or whatever else you want to call him
” but isnt Obama a mulatto?”
High Yellow.
“I must be missing something, but isnt Obama a mulatto?”
Yes, but to some people (black people) being black is how you act. As in, for instance, voting Democrat. To other (white liberals, apparently), just as for racists throughout liberty, one drop of black blood makes you black. For a lot of normal people who’s black depends upon who says they’re black and who’s treated that way, along with the age-old completely unscientific look test.
“just as for racists throughout liberty”
Whoa, I have no idea why I just wrote that. “Liberty” should be “history.”
Nah, he's an Oreo. LMAO!!!