Posted on 03/09/2012 2:19:57 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
By Bill O'Reilly
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
H/T to Drudge.
Unconstitutional? Yep, that will get congress moving to impeach the fool!
This guy has been stomping on the Constitution since the day he was sworn in and no one does anything!!!
I’m not gonna hold my breathe on this one folks.
I want to know who "Mike" is ..... there's a very good reason he's hiding his tracks. Also, there ought to be some way to "follow the money" .... I don't believe Fluke is doing this for free .... after all, she can't afford $9.00/month for birth control.
Color me: Not Surprised.
My neighbor is a faithful viewer of the show.
Fluke has a pimp now?
You might want to distance yourself from that neighbor. Anybody who is so dumb that they watch The View might be dangerous. ;^)
BillO must be listening to Rush during the day, for program ideas.
I absolutely cannot abide “The View” ..... like fingernails on a blackboard. I saw a brief clip of his appearance on his show and that was enough for me.
Why did we suspect a set-up? Because there is no way that, in just two short weeks after Obama announced his mandate for govt. paid contraceptives for all, could anyone have done what Fluke did. That is, poll a bunch of co-eds...compile statistics (albeit exaggerated and erroneous)...write a presentation...AND get on the schedule to appear before Congress right away (not unless there were strings pulled to schedule her quickly - as is done in a crisis situation, which this was not). I have been with groups who appeared before Congress. It took us 3-4 months to get on the schedule. So Fluke had to know about Obama's announced mandate, long before he announced it. So she had to be working with the administration and have known she was going to be the one to stand up there and make that presentation.
This was, for sure, a coordinated effort to focus the nation on a hyped-up controversy, a heretofore non-issue; something that would ignite feelings and arguments on both sides. Thus, this was planned to take the public's eye away from Obama's failures and inept leadership on things that are really important...Like our economy/gasoline prices, our national security, and the unemployment crisis. Of course, it was a successful ploy for a while. Deceit always is.
Since Obama is so weak on those, and can't handle the big problems, his administration has given him the only job he can organize and get people feeling sorry for themselves instead of looking at the important, bigger issues.
Maybe she can get whoever is running her to subsidize her sexual exploits, since her boyfriends can’t afford it.
Also remember that Sandra Fluke was also used to torpedo Rick Santorum before Super Tuesday.
That sounds like she is on the payroll....along with Gloria Allread....
RE: #13, you nailed it
Bill O'Reilly has the gall to even use the word unconstitutional, considering what a gutless coward he is on Article II eligibility.
The Lizard Lady of Mao is back!
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