~The FReeper Canteen Presents~ Road Trip: Fort Polk, Louisiana Fort Polk is unique in all the Army because it is the only Combat Training Center (CTC) that also has the mission to train and deploy combat and combat support units. From its start as a base for the Louisiana Maneuvers in the 1940s, to a basic training post during Vietnam, to the home of the 5th Mech Division in the 1980s, and its current dual missions as the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) and home of the 2nd ACR and Warrior Brigade, Fort Polk has executed all of the Army's mission. Fort Polk is located in west-central Louisiana, about 45 miles from Alexandria, 70 miles from Lake Charles, 120 miles from Shreveport, 150 miles from Baton Rouge, 250 from New Orleans, and 180 from Houston. Closer to our front gate are the nearby towns of Leesville, La, located in Vernon Parish, and DeRidder, La, located in Beauregard Parish. The main post consists of approximately 100,000 acres. Fort Polk is divided into two cantonment areas known as North Fort Polk and South Fort Polk. Approximately 98,000 acres of the main post is within the Kisatchie National Forest and is used by Fort Polk under an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service. In addition, the headwaters and bodies of several streams are located within the installation. The Joint Readiness Training Center provides advance level joint training for the Army (Active and Reserve Component), Air Force and Navy contingency forces in deployment and tactical operations under realistic conditions of low to mid intensity combat. Currently Fort Polk is supporting the war on terrorism by providing contingency training for the Army's light infantry and special operations forces and by deploying home station and reserve component forces in support of Operations Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, and Iraqi Freedom. The JRTC and Fort Polk is experiencing a tremendous transformation to be able to continue to accomplish our missions as a Combat Training Center, Power Projection Platform and a Modern Installation that supports our soldiers and families.
The installation is seeing one of its biggest construction booms ever with over $300 million in new construction and renovation projects in support of Fort Polk Transformation over the next several years.
FR CANTEEN MISSION STATEMENT~Showing support and boosting the morale of our military and our allies military and the family members of the above. Honoring those who have served before.
Please remember: The Canteen is a place to honor and entertain our troops. The Canteen is family friendly. Let's have fun! We pray for your continued strength, to be strong in the face of adversity. We pray for your safety, that you will return to your families and friends soon. We pray that your hope, courage, and dignity remain unbroken, so that you may show others the way. God Bless You All ~ Today, Tomorrow and Always |