Posted on 02/19/2012 5:33:17 PM PST by John W
JERUSALEM The U.S. and Britain on Sunday urged Israel not to attack Iran's nuclear program as the White House's national security adviser arrived in the region, reflecting growing international jitters that the Israelis are poised to strike.
In their warnings, both the U.S. joint chiefs of staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, and British Foreign Minister William Hague said an Israeli attack on Iran would have grave consequences for the entire region and urged Israel to give international sanctions against Iran more time to work. Dempsey said an Israeli attack is "not prudent," and Hague said it would not be "a wise thing."
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What you say has a sound of truth to it.
That was another magic fence built by GW.
Do you have any clue what war is? Do you not know what it took to win WW II?
If the stupid Muslims still refuse to learn, I'm thinking that there are warheads left over that might help with the reeducation process.
Bomb them back to the stone age!
quite so.
Of course Israel cannot afford to let Iran acquire nuclear weapons. It would be utter suicide. I think everybody on these boards would agree with that, given the rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of the mad mullahs. If Iran acquires the bomb, or even looks like it is on the brink of doing so, Israel WILL attack. At the moment they are very aware that if they do that, they will be labelled the aggressor, and their worldwide image, which isn't great as it is, would plummet. (Yes I know this is illogical, given the activities of Hamas et al, but that's how these things work).
At the same time, the West cannot afford to let Iran have nuclear weapons either. It is not in our interests to see a full scale war in the region. Even if we could somehow persuade the Israelis not to attack, allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons would create a nuclear arms race in the region. Iraq would want nuclear weapons as well, Saudi Arabia certainly would, and the result would be a mini cold war in the entire middle east, with the exception that the various controls that were in force to prevent the US and the USSR from starting a full scale nuclear war would not exist. It's an horrific prospect.
So at the moment I think these actions by the US and UK are perfectly reasonable. The US and the EU have imposed a series of economic sanctions that must be biting the Iranians. That MIGHT be enough to persuade them to pull back from this nuclear development project, which will hopefully quieten everything down. I know that might not work, but we surely have to give it a chance. The alternative will be a preemptive strike by Israel that will lead directly to war, or an Iranian nuclear weapon that will lead inevitably to war, probably with Israel, possibly with other of the middle east powers.
And I would suggest those who wish nuclear destruction on others check their consciences. War may be inevitable. It might be justifiable. It might even be the wisest course of action, given the alternatives, but it is never the optimal solution. I'm not in any rush to kill large numbers of my fellow Human beings, particularly as there is a chance I might get killed myself. It might be neccesary to fight a war, but nobody in their right minds WANTS to fight one.
But only if I can dine on thier little charred bodies, afterwards.
You are correct. The desire is not really to let sanctions work but to allow fruition of covert operations in process.
The covert operations are being carried out by special forces of the Gulf States directed by Americans probably located in Qatar.
There is a high probability that the public face is a charade and there are parallel IDF operations as well
You are correct. But there are a ton of folks on these boards who are playing too much Call of Duty...and they think it would be cool to kick some ass and turn it all to glass.
But that’s what freedom of speech is all about.
Recall if you will, that it was sanctions on Japan that provoked the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Provocation is likely to result in Iranian action to start what they will lose.
That is all too true.
I support Israel for both secular and religious reasons. We can work with many of the Arab governments, but Iran simply must be stopped.
One of the few good things the Wikileaker did is show Iran that despite what was being said publicly, even the Arab leaders were privately pleading with President Obama to let Israel strike Iran. The Wikileaker may have delayed war by a few years, but the only way to stop this upcoming war is for Israel to take out Iran's nuclear capabilities or for Iran to change its government.
It would be better to see the second option than the first, but we're going to get the first if the government doesn't change.
My guess is that the Iranians have decided that they can't work with a President Gingrich, President Santorum, or even President Romney, and have decided to push for all they can get over the next year, knowing that just as with 1981 when the Iranians gave back the American hostages on Inauguration Day, the game is up if a Republican gets elected. I was at Reagan's inauguration that year, and for many years I kept a copy of the old Washington Star with its headline on freeing the hostages, and I remember the reactions of Republicans flooding the city for the Inauguration.
Basically, Reagan had won the American-Iranian War of 1981 without having to fire a single shot.
If shots have to be fired to stop the Iranians this time, I'd much rather see the Israelis doing the fighting than us.
I might level-up if I attack Iran, and if I die, I can respawn my character.
"Provocation" might possibly result in Iranian action, but I think we've reached the stage where inactivity is just going to mean Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, which will definitely lead to conflict. It's a chance against a certainty.
yup. having 3 carrier task forces in the Arabian Sea won’t impress Iran unless they know in their heart of hearts that the CiC, Mr The One, will actually give the strike order.
I don’t belive that they believe he will. They realize that
a Pres Newt or Pres Sanctorum would do so.
Yes, some no doubt subconsciously think that. Unfortunately in real life you can't respawn.
I can.
But first I have to go through facehugger stage.
But the happy news is, the end result is THIS!
Very true - but I have freedom of speech to put an alternate viewpoint as well. I suspect people who think war is “cool” might change their minds when the body bags start coming home.
How about:
The US and Britain warn Iran that if they try to attack Israel the US and Britain will bomb them back to the stone ages.
Exactly. The object for the USA is to deter war, grow our economy, stock market and not get sucked into another very costly preemptive war. Mutual destruction worked for us with the Soviets.
This concept of major countries going out attacking other sovereign nations wily nily isn’t going to have a happy ending. It’s a lead up to WW3. Why do we give Israel billions that we don’t have, if it gives us no influence?
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