Doesn’t really matter if it’s a winner at FR - matters if it’s a winner in CA. With 172 delegates (169 bound in a winner take all state) and Gingrich crowing about what he’s going to do in Texas (with 155, 152 proportional), playing for CA is a smart move to ensure that he has the deligates.
I meant that I don’t think Pete Wilson’s endorsement is very valuable to anybody.
In terms of California, which is on the left coast and also has a lot of Mormons, I suspect that Romney will win anyway.
One of the things we are underestimating is the big and powerful presence of Mormons in the Western states. It’s a creepy cult but its members are very well controlled, disciplined and deceitful. If you wanted to put it in different terms, it would be like having Scientology (based in St Petersburg, FL and extremely powerful in Florida) become the major influence in the South.