"I talked to a top Romney adviser tonight who said, 'Look, if Mitt Romney cannot win in Florida then we're going to have to try to reinvent the smoke-filled room which has been democratized by all these primaries. And we're going to have try to come with someone as an alternative to Newt Gingrich who could be Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels, someone.' Because there is such a desperation by the so-called party elites, but that's exactly what Gingrich is playing against,"
One alternative would be to support the nominee.
Empty threats..
Bring it loser.
Carpet bagger of process is the 1st attack that comes to mind and lack of participation in the last three years disqualifies their opinion.
That’s it and they’re muted, maligned and demonstrably stoopid for even trying.
They are in a state of panic...that is a good thing....let’s keep the pressure on...let’s put the fear of God in their black souls...
Thank you, Mrs Greenspan!
This was a very revealing report made last night by Andrea.
The media and surrogate Romney backers have been in full throated panic for the past two weeks! We actually knew this to be true, but I believe it’s dangerous. The Independents will be bought next that’s for certain. Anything to cut Newt’s legs out from under him.
On the other hand the media wants the Republican Party to implode in DC. They are out to create the theme that Obama delivers at least controlled chaos versus the Republicans chaos by implosion and open warfare with their base. We can bank that.
Romney wants to win Florida? Where do you buy those lottery tickets?
Didn’t Andrea pose for the After picture for the “Faces of Meth” campaign?
No more Bushes.
Heres a thought though
Maybe she means a brokered convention...
OK lets see how that works out for the Romneys
In 1964 George Romney, Williw Mittys Dad was counting on an “Alternative” way to win the GOP_ nomination...
BVut he only got 40 votes to the 800 that Barry Goldwater got in the convention that year...
OK so what did the Romneys do then ???
Well George Romney stomped out of the convention hall with the teenaged Willie Mitty in tow..
and weent and helped Johnson beat Goldwater
Moderate RINO George Romney used his money and influence to turn Republicans and independents against Conservative Barry Goldwater and his friend Ronald Reagan..
Is this the type of “alternative” that the current Romney plans ???
Later REonald Reagan lay the defeat of Goldwater right at the feet of George Romney...
Is Sonny Boy Willie so corrupt that he too will sell out the GOP nominee to satisfy his over blown ego ???
These “part elites” just don’t get it! We are done letting them choose our candidates! They should have never tried to shove someone like Romney down our throats in the first place! Now we are in open revolt against them!
does anyone have a schedule of filing deadlines?
We are approaching February. At some point, too many primary filing deadlines will have passed such that it is mathematically impossible to enter (let alone win) enough primaries to get a majority of delegates.
We might be past that point already.
Robert Kennedy entered late in 1968, and then obviously won the CA primary. I know, different era, different party, no super Tuesday, etc., etc., etc.
But this is an itneresting political story.
If too late, though, then the only hope for the establishment is to try to get delegates to bolt. I think there are different rules for each state as to what sort of freedom their delegates have, are there not? At least with regards to the first round.
Bottom line. Most likely, this is all going to play out along pretty orthodox lines. Florida is a big day...whoever wins there, will have the Big Mo and will take a step closer to the nomination. Either Newt or Romney is going to be the nominee for the GOP.
I think, if I were to bet, I “think” as of today that it will be Newt.
But wow how soon predictions have proven to have short lives this primary season!!!
—we’re going to have to try to reinvent the smoke-filled room—
Go for it! That would be the end of the party.
If the GOP-e (elite/establishment) is FOR Romney....that alone should give one pause as to voting for him. When has the GOP-e shown the American People that they care about anything other than lining their pockets and showing favor on special interest groups? Answer: NEVER. There’s a reason why the GOP-e is pushing for RINO Romney.
THanks to Andrea Mitchell....we wouldn’t get this from the RINO pundits. But, this ticks me off....they are willing to dump one stuffed shirt for another stuffed shirt. They are determined to defy all of us who are sick of their elitist BS.
If they do this, I hope they crash and burn and we get Newt for the nominee.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t in cahoots with Newt’s EX for that ABC interview. SNAKES.
Yeah, it`s just too bad they can`t stop people from voting in these pesky little primaries...
With the advancements of internet and communications in general, it is so much harder for the elite media and party leaders to control information ( lets just call it “the truth” ... ) like in years past.
“The people” are taking control now, so they just need to accept it.
She is actually telling the truth. No, really.
Mutt and his advisors say screw the Conservative Base.
Mutt and his advisors say screw the Conservative Base.