not to attack you but you seem to have been sucked in by his nutty views and you don’t really know him.
Do you honestly think that getting rid of the CIA, FBI, NSA would help America and keep us safe?
Do you honestly think that ignoring radical Islam and Iran would help us?
Do you honestly think getting rid of laws like bestiality, incest sex age etc would improve America?
Paul sounds great at first when he preaches Govt should not tell others what to do but start to ask yourself questions and watch , listen to him on his answers.
Last week he said he was the only true Dem in the race, this is his 3rd time running and he has only ever passed one bill in all the years in congress, hell he has even stated that he has no chance of winning so why is he running on the republican ticket when he is not a republican/ ?
Like I said I ma not attacking you but unlike some others you seem to have been taken in by the Govt should not tell others what to do.
I am unware of Paul wanting to get rid of the functions performed by the CIA, FBI or NSA. In fact I have not heard him say he wanted to get them of the agencies themselves, I will look into this. Sometimes Paul says things like "I don't see the authority in the Constitution for bla bla bal" and people will take that and infer that he is against the bla bla bla or against the functions performed by it. That is not so, he just thinks bla bla bla needs to conform to the constitution or be giving to the states to do.
The bestiality thing is a non starter, no one is in favor of bestiality.
I think he is wrong on Islam, I see Islam as a thread. Iran is now a problem that is unsolvable without invading Iran. Invading Iran is going to be a hard sell to a war weary American people. Blame Bush and Obama for Iran not Paul.