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To: LucyT; thouworm; maggief; Myrddin; shibumi; Hardraade; Candor7; Absolutely Nobama; caww; ...

Catch up time....

Muslim Brotherhood Calling Shots for NYPD ^ | 07FEB12 | Clare M. Lopez

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 11:40:42 AM by bayouranger

After forcing the FBI and CIA to purge their counterterrorism training programs of all references to “Islam” in “Islamic terrorism,” the Muslim Brotherhood in America has turned its sights on the New York Police Department (NYPD).

Writers from the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law have posted op-ed pieces in The New York Times criticizing NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly for appearing in The Third Jihad and authorizing its screening in NYPD training courses.

The critically acclaimed documentary is narrated by devout American Muslim and Navy veteran Dr. Zuhdi Jasser (president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy), and presents a factual look at the published mission of Muslim Brotherhood front groups and affiliates “in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”

For those who have actually watched The Third Jihad, it is clear that the film is not about all Muslims or even all American Muslims. It is about that minority of Muslims who are actively engaged in subversion to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law (Shariah). The Brennan Center is actually providing a living case study of exactly what The Third Jihad is all about.

Under Islamic law, speaking criticism of Islam or Islamic law is expressly forbidden. Such criticism – especially by non-Muslims – provides the justification for attack.

In their latest NYT hit piece, published Jan. 29, Brennan Center affiliates Faiza Patel and Elizabeth Goitein attack the NYPD and Commissioner Kelly. And in their mission to censor the tools used by New York’s finest to deal effectively with Islamic terrorism, they actually call for the appointment of a presumably Muslim-sensitive inspector general (IG) to oversee the NYPD.

What the Times fails to mention is that the Brennan Center in 2009 received the “Safe While Free Award” from the Council on American Islamic Relations. CAIR was named by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror-funding case. CAIR was founded by Hamas members and operates in the U.S. as a support group for the Muslim Brotherhood.

In other words, groups with ties to Hamas are now telling the NYPD how to manage its counterterrorism training. Worse, they shamefully call for the commissioner’s resignation and the appointment of an inspector to investigate how the NYPD has been so successful at keeping New York safe from terror attacks since 9/11.

The only thing more shameful is NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly capitulating. Kelly and his police force are champions in the war to keep America safe. Their showing of The Third Jihad should be praised as an important element of their success in uncovering and defeating numerous terrorist plots.

In The Third Jihad, Ray Kelly joins former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey and others to explain the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in conducting homegrown jihad and threatening our constitutional liberties and the American way of life. Aside from apologizing for defending New Yorkers, Kelly has nothing to be ashamed of and neither does the NYPD.

The Muslim Brotherhood has no business dictating counterterrorism policy to the NYPD – and the NYPD has no business taking its training directives from a group whose motto remains:

Allah is our objective

The Prophet is our guide

The Quran is our law

Jihad is our way

And dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.

The Brennan Center offensive against the NYPD is a real-time demonstration of The Third Jihad’s key theme: How Muslim Brotherhood supporters work assiduously to undermine America’s counterterrorism defenses through infiltration, intimidation and subversion of this country’s most important law enforcement and national security organizations.

View for free the film banned to the NYPD – The Third Jihad

Radical U.S. Muslims Little Threat, Study Says
New York Times ^

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 11:15:59 AM by Sub-Driver

Radical U.S. Muslims Little Threat, Study Says By SCOTT SHANE

WASHINGTON — A feared wave of homegrown terrorism by radicalized Muslim Americans has not materialized, with plots and arrests dropping sharply over the two years since an unusual peak in 2009, according to a new study by a North Carolina research group.

The study, to be released on Wednesday, found that 20 Muslim Americans were charged in violent plots or attacks in 2011, down from 26 in 2010 and a spike of 47 in 2009.

Charles Kurzman, the author of the report for the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, called terrorism by Muslim Americans “a minuscule threat to public safety.” Of about 14,000 murders in the United States last year, not a single one resulted from Islamic extremism, said Mr. Kurzman, a professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina.

The report also found that no single ethnic group predominated among Muslims charged in terrorism cases last year — six were of Arab ancestry, five were white, three were African-American and two were Iranian, Mr. Kurzman said. That pattern of ethnic diversity has held for those arrested since Sept. 11, 2001, he said.

Forty percent of those charged in 2011 were converts to Islam, Mr. Kurzman found, slightly higher than the 35 percent of those charged since the 2001 attacks. His new report is based on the continuation of research he conducted for a book he published last year, “The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists.”

The decline in cases since 2009 has come as a relief to law enforcement and counterterrorism officials. In that year, the authorities were surprised by a series of terrorist plots or attacks, including the killing of 13 people at Fort Hood, Tex., by an Army psychiatrist...
We certainly do believe this, do we not?

Of Mosques and Men
Right Side News ^ | 2/8/2012 | Staff

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 11:42:11 AM by IbJensen

There are times when an unfortunate name can come back to haunt someone even when he or she had nothing to do with the original moniker. Think ofRick Perry’s ranch, or a Florida mosque named for a terrorist icon.

The Islamic Community of Tampa, also known as the al-Qassam mosque, hosts an ironic event Friday evening with the local Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) chapter. The open house aims to advance “understanding Islam.” Speakers will discuss Muslim beliefs and try to clear up “misconceptions about Islam, and Islam’s condemnation of terrorism,” a promotional release said.

That’s a difficult sell when the mosque exalts Izzedin al-Qassam, who remains an inspirational figure to Palestinian terrorists. Hamas named its terrorist operations branch for al-Qassam. Most rockets fired from Gaza toward Israeli homes and schools are called Qassam rockets.

“The [Palestinian] Islamic Jihad’s supporters have elevated him almost to a saintly status,” wrote Palestinian academic Ziad Abu Amr in his book Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza. It was al-Qassam who merged religion and violence, advocating “God’s book in one hand, and the rifle in the other.”

Echoing Al-Qassam, both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have charters rejecting any peaceful resolution to the conflict with Israel. Islamic Jihad calls for “The creation of a state of terror, instability and panic in the souls of Zionists and especially the groups of settlers, and force them to leave their houses.” Hamas dismisses peace talks as a game beneath Palestinian dignity. “There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility. The Palestinian people are too noble to have their future, their right and their destiny submitted to a vain game.”

It is fairly rare for a mosque to be named for an individual. A plaque outside the mosque hails al-Qassam as the one who “declared Jihad against the British and Zionist invasion of Palestine. He was martyred on November 19, 1935 in Yabrod, Palestine. Al-Qassam has become a symbol of heroism, resistance, occupation, and invasion of steadfast Palestine.”

The mosque’s name changed in 1989 when it was run by Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida computer scientist who secretly served on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s shura council, or governing board. Al-Arian sheltered other board members, including Secretary General Ramadan Shallah. Shallah took over the Islamic Jihad in 1995, just six months after leaving Tampa.

A year earlier, when evidence shows Al-Arian was fighting to keep the Islamic Jihad alive in the face of a financial crisis, Al-Arian wrote to immigration officials on Al-Qassam Mosque letterhead seeking a work visa for Shallah to be the mosque’s imam.

In interviews for Investigative Project on Terrorism Executive Director Steven Emerson’s “Jihad in America” documentary and a subsequent newspaper investigation, Al-Arian denied the mosque’s name indicated any bond with the Jihad or other terrorists. Al-Qassam “became a symbol in Palestine of the first to resist and fight for freedom,” he said in 1995. “He was strengthened by religion and devotion to God.”

Federal agents arrested Al-Arian nine years ago and he has not been back to the mosque since. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide services to the Islamic Jihad and records make clear his prominent role in the organization. In all those years, however, mosque leaders have not thought to rid their house of worship of Al-Qassam’s name.

But they plan to welcome the public Friday evening to persuade the public they stand for the opposite of al-Qassam’s message of “God’s book in one hand, and the rifle in the other.”

It would be like hosting a forum on the South’s historic embrace of integration at the Church of the Martyr Bull Connor.

Both the mosque and CAIR seem oblivious.

“Ignorance leads to misunderstanding, which in turn leads to fear, hatred, discrimination, and even violence,” said CAIR-Tampa executive director Hassan Shibly in the release. “By reaching out and getting to know each other, we can love each other as a community and recognize that our differences need not divide us.”

But violence was at the heart of al-Qassam’s message. Jihad, he said, was the only path to freedom. According to a booklet issued by the Islamic Association for Palestine, an arm in a Hamas-support network, al-Qassam instructed followers that “Jihad is a religious obligation till the Judgement (sic) Day. We all need to do Jihad in the name of God to free our countries from the colonialist to become Islamic States that apply God’s laws.

“Arm yourself no matter what are the circumstances. Sell everything you have and buy weapons to fight the occupation.”

The mosque maintains a significant link to the Al-Arian era through its president, Noor Salhab. In the early 1990s, Salhab leased his home to Al-Arian as office space for a think-tank called the World and Islam Studies Enterprise, where Shallah was a director.

Years later, another tenant drew scrutiny from federal law enforcement. Ahmed Mohamed was arrested by police in South Carolina with a trunk load of explosive material and a laptop containing jihadi videos. Mohamed posted one such video to Youtube, showing would-be jihadists how to make remote-controlled bombs “to be used against those who fight for the United States” since he considered them and their allies fighting in Arab countries to be “invaders.”

Federal agents searched the house in 2007, looking for bomb-making ingredients including PVC pipes, chemicals, hacksaws and soldering irons. Mohamed is serving 15 years after pleading guilty to providing material support to terrorists.

Salhab is not responsible for his tenants’ behavior. And leasing a house to two separate people implicated in terror-support cases could happen to anyone, right? But if the mosque and its partners in CAIR truly are interested in correcting misconceptions about their faith, they might start by removing the name as a show of sincerity.
“But if the mosque and its partners in CAIR truly are interested in correcting misconceptions about their faith, they might start by removing the name as a show of sincerity.”

Are they kidding? The name IS a show of sincerity.

Three Killed in renewed attacks on Black Libyans ^ | 02FEB12 | Lizzie Phelan

Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:07:20 PM by bayouranger

Libya’s Bantustans. Driven from their homes by the genocidal Misurata NATO-backed rebels, Black Libayns from Tawargha now languish in camps as the world watches.

he Misrata Brigade have begun shooting at and attacking civilians in a refugee camp in Janzour containing approximately 1,500 refugees from the now obliterated town of Tawergha, close to Misrata.

The area surrounding the camp has been closed off by the brigade preventing any help from reaching the refugees.

Doctors in Central Tripoli Hospital have confirmed that they have already received the bodies of one man and one woman from the camp. (AFP reported three deaths today).

Residents in Tripoli, including the Tawerghan community outside of the camp who are unable to help their fellow countrymen, are pleading with the international community to spread awareness about the attack and to stop the attack which is continuing at this moment.

The racist crimes committed by the Misrata Brigade against the town of Tawergha, which is mainly populated by Black Libyans, has been well documented by international human rights organisations and and the global mainstream media. They are infamous for scrawling on the walls on the road to Tawergha, that they, the Misrata brigade are “the brigade for the purging of the skins of slaves, Black skins.”
I guess they aren’t holder’s people unless they are attacking white American voters.
And they aren’t obama’s people because his family was selling black slaves in Africa.
So WHY do so many American black people consider themselves muslims?

322 posted on 02/08/2012 10:27:40 AM PST by MestaMachine (obama kills)
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To: MestaMachine
Islam teaches to fight any who would criticize Islam or their Prophet.....that's set in stone and will not change. Thus they will continue their relentless "stealth Jihad" in our country and courts, and thru our military, police and any other organization including our schools and churches. It will not cease as it's their "ammunition" for the Islamification of the United Sates of America....

.....and STILL we have not identified the enemy within!!!!!

323 posted on 02/08/2012 10:44:05 AM PST by caww
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To: MestaMachine

Thanks for the ping, MestaMachine. A little pressed for time (will read the whole ping later) but just HAD TO respond to this: “Under Islamic law, speaking criticism of Islam or Islamic law is expressly forbidden. Such criticism – especially by non-Muslims – provides the justification for attack.”

How much longer will we have to put up with political correctness and tip-toe around these people? When is enough, enough????? They can all go to (you know where).

327 posted on 02/08/2012 1:04:16 PM PST by azishot
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To: MestaMachine

YouTube results for “The Third Jihad”

The entire film is there, among other pieces and analyses.

329 posted on 02/08/2012 1:59:25 PM PST by combat_boots (The Lion of Judah cometh. Hallelujah. Gloria Patri, Filio et Spiritui Sancto.)
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