Nice try. I vote Romney when hell freezes over.
It’s all part of the DNC’s plan. Once they unload Kennedy’s 1994 ad campaign on him, Romney’s toast. As Weekly Standard pointed out, Romney always starts out strong in his campaigns and then gradually fades away as more and more people get turned off and underwhelmed. He’s got the “look” of a good politician, but he’s even more of an empty suit than Obama with no record, no substance, no core values, no accomplishments, no achievements. Newt is just the opposite, doesn’t look like much, but he wins people over with great ideas, a winning attitude and real substance over the course of a campaign.
During Mitt Romney’s failed one-term governorship, Massachusetts ranked 47th in the nation in job creation, not much of a selling point for a guy whose sole claim to fame is that he supposedly can fix our economy. Romney lost the Senate race to Ted Kennedy in 1994 by 17 points on the same day that Newt and many other Republicans swept into office and took control of the House from the Democrats for the first time in 40 years. The Democrat machine absolutely savaged Romney in that Senate race with ads detailing his checkered record at Bain Capital, which consisted of layoffs, a huge government bailout and his profiting off of companies as he sent them into bankruptcy. Romney had to back off of the claim that he was a job creator at all, which left him with no record to run on. He comes across to people as a cold, calculating salesman that you can’t get to know and certainly can’t trust. He is quite possibly the least electable candidate in the whole Republican primary field.
Talk about an orchestrated poll.
Faux News talking about it now.
Obama vs Romney is the definition of “Hobson’s Choice.”
the media is working overtime to try and hand Iowa to Romney, but it wont work.
Go Newt!
It’s like I’ve been saying for a while now. We could nominate Elmer Fudd and win.
Funny thing, is we might just do that...
hardly. anone v/s Obama is bound to look like this
This was the Politico article explaining why Drudge has been in the tank for Romney all along:
Karl Rove and the GOP elite are orgasmic!
I believe those numbers about as much as I believed the exit polls in the 2004 election.
Milquetoast Mitt is so bland and boring that I think he does make a two-man race a referendum on Bamster — at least right now. I know people who voted for Bamster our of white guilt and Bush fatigue that would be more likely to vote for Romney than any other Rupublican candidate. What we see as Romney’s weakness on FR, works in his favor with other groups of voters.
That said, it remains to be seen what happens to Mitt when the media gets the signal (and they will get a signal) from Bamster’s minions to go after him with everything they got. The dog on the car roof, lack of miltary service, Bain Capital layoffs, Romneycare, flipflops, and Mormonism. . will all be on the table and will raise “serious questions”. . . in the MSM reports. I can see this coming a mile away.
LOL. Everybody in the media wants Romney. Can’t figure out why. (duh...)
It is pretty shocking as there is no difference between the two.
...not buying it
The question we should be asking ourselves is who is the conservative we want leading us. As for Obama, the only GOP candidates in the race right now that can't beat him are Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich.
They must really think Obama can beat Romney since they are pushing for Romney so bad. I wonder what skeletons they have on Willard, or, do they just assume he won’t fight, like McLame.
wow this will help mitt