The fact Tebow’s open expressions of faith are considered “controversial” shows how far down the path of darkness this country has traveled. Similar to the gasps heard when Carrie Prejean dared to state she felt marriage should be between one man and one woman.
The Bible says, “Thou shalt not steal,” but the NFL teams regularly steal from the taxpayers. So, how pious can anyone associated with the NFL really be?
The left is never FOR something. All they can do is tear down. Beware of Alinsky’s primary tactic used so effectively by Obama’s leftists: DEMONIZE
They demonize Christians in general, Catholics in particular
They demonizeAll religion other than ecologism and other syncretist belief systems
They demonizeThe nuclear family
They demonize all men who aren’t wimps
They demonize Marriage between men and women
They demonize Liberty
They demonize holding Private property
They demonize free market, for-profit enterprises
They demonize States’ sovereign autonomy
They demonize Anyone who espouses the 10 Commandments
They demonize any family that has more then 1.75 children
They demonize anyone who love the USA and what it stans for in the world
They demonize anyone who believes in the sanctity of human life.
Read Psalm 2. This nation will not survive a battle with Christ.
I can't remember the last time I heard the FCA mentioned anywhere. But the organization does still exist and has a website.
Have the players & announcers in the article actually made derogatory comments about Tebow? Have others done this?
I love football & basketball but have not followed either one for years. They have been going down this road for a long time & I refuse to participate.
The left has always wanted to replace religion & God with statism and the State.
The State is the source of beneficence, megastructures, micro-management of the individual, and so-on. As opposed to God’s blessings, creation & attention to our soul.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
This is the same Jefferson the so-called "progressives" love to cite as their source for excluding religious speech and practice from schools and publicly-supported places. Doubt that they are as eager to cite his strong words and actions on behalf of religious freedom, the rights of conscience, and freedom of expression.
"Among the most inestimable of our blessings is that . . . of liberty to worship our Creator in the way we think most agreeable in His will; a liberty deemed in other countries incompatible with good government and yet proved by our experience to be its best support. . . . The rights of conscience we never submitted (to government). We are answerable for them to our God."
I still think this has more to do with politics than religion. Plenty of black athletes praise Jesus all over the place and nobody even notices. Know why? Black churches are uniformly Democrat. They campaign openly for Democratic political candidates. A black Christian is still a Democrat. A white Christian, however, is under suspicion of being a Conservative.
Just more of the same crap coming from morons that hate religion. They can’t read the Constitution so they try to redefine it’s meaning. Too bad so many brain dead idiots (we all know them) are with us.
They love the “separation of church and state” nonsense that IS NOT in the Constitution. They always quote the first amendment putting a period after “Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion” when there is comma followed by “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” which is then followed by a semi-colon adding freedom of speech, press, assembly, etc.
I notice how the left remembers the semi-colon and whines about their freedom of the press but ignore the free exercise of religion.
I’m no lawyer but how is a bunch of high school or college kids praying or having a moment of silence after a game Congress passing a law respecting an establishment of religion? Looks to me like folks expressing their free exercise thereof.
I think to me it hit a head of how far down this bunny hole we’ve gone when Christie O’Donnell, when running for the Senate, brought this point up at a law school and they laughed.
Personally, if lawyers think that’s wrong they should not be allowed to practice law.
For years, players on opposing teams have gathered at the center of the field at most every level for prayer and thanksgiving after games. Football is a violent sport and to emerge from some games unscathed is worthy of thanksgiving.
However, a high-profile player like Tebow takes thanksgiving to a level that makes humanists and liberals foam at the mouth.
Good for you, Mr. Tebow. May Almighty God protect your testimony and witness.