A true Conservative understands, at the core of his being, what values he has. He knows that murder is wrong, that forcibly taking goods from one person who works - and then showering benefits upon someone who is too lazy to work actually benefits no one. He knows that we have a fundamental right to protect ourselves, that we are free to make decisions, even if those decisions are sometimes foolish. A conservative knows that we must, must, exercise personal responsibility and demand that others do as well. We each have a right to live our lives free from prosecution, and have the responsibility to extend this same right to others - even if we disagree with them philosophically.
These are inflexable rules, not governed by polls, whims or any target audience. They are part of who we are.
The RINOS on stage with him didn’t have a chance; for they share nothing in common with a true Conservative.
Cain is Able!
delegates were responding to a voice whose fire had touched them.............................................. That’s what I want to see. I’ve been saying it all along, we are stuck with too many Blaah candidates. Give me Fire, double barreled fire, Cain/Palin, or visa versa. Make the Libs run for cover this time around.
The reason why Cain is catching fire among grass-roots GOP activists is actually quite simple: he is the only active candidate to articulate consistently conservative ideas.
Cain flunks the gun rights test.
Although Cain says he supports the Second Amendment, in the next breath he says he fully supports any and all state gun control/prohibitions.
That is like supporting federal rights for women and blacks, but allowing women and blacks to be slaves if the state laws permit them to be slaves.
I will not support any candidate who allows, and favors, individual states to outlaw guns, to take away womens voting rights, to allow slavery, to prohibit free speech.
Herman Cain’s appeal is not in appearances. It’s in substance.
If Cain performs like he did in FL this week, he has a chance. He has polished his skills and knowledge base and was on target in every area.... economic, foreign policy, conservatism, etc. He was great all along, but fell short in the early debates and events on specifics in foreign issues. He’s a fast study, for sure. A very bright man.
What voters from both sides of the political spectrum want to see in a candidate is not only the “right” position on the issues, they want to see vision and conviction. They want someone who won’t put in finger in the wind (Bill Clinton) when the going gets tough. Barry Goldwater had that conviction, and so did Ronald Reagan. Cain appears to have the vision and conviction.
Wouldn’t place a bet on a Florida straw poll.The state is the east coast branch of California.
Gloria Estefan hosts Obama fundraiser but gives him no money........then endorses Herman Cain:
Hollywoodites are so darn rational!
"The difference here was -- is -- Mr. Cain's unfailing capacity to speak as though from a core of fire deep inside him. An irresistible strength -- as is the mordant* humor he brings to the battle."
What the GOP needs in 2012 is an authentic conservative (core of fire deep inside) who can boldly, clearly and incisively articulate the conservative vision.
Herman CAiN, in every way. He's the best of the current field.
* biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style; incisive