Another segment of the population he’s pandering to for votes??? The unemployed??? Geesh!
Everything that occurs anywhere at any time is scrutinzed for opportunistic use by the O reelection team.
Next he will be telling the unemployed to storm the businesses and demand a job, sit in and protest those stores, businesses, etc that refuse to hire you..
Can’t you hear it now.... “If you feel you have a skill set to accomplish a job in some sector and than I say to to that factory, that business, that store and demand that job, take that job, and do that job... It shouldn’t matter if that evil rich business owner wants to hire you or not, you have the right to that job and as long as everyone does this, then that action will get the attention of those evil rich and the Congress will be forced to act....
And he will make sure that there are as many unemployed as possible.
Exactly. This whore is the epitome of the RATS. Anything that will keep them in office.