And to think there was a time when I used to care what Brit and Bill said?
And to think I at one point used to say thank God for Fox News. They are now just part of the MSM, not fair and balanced. I suggest they drop all that from their advertising, they are not fair and balanced anymore, they do and let us decide
Fox News is pathetic, with few exceptions. There poll has the credibility of News Week
79 posted on
09/25/2011 7:09:02 AM PDT by
To: Friendofgeorge
there was a time when I used to care what Brit and Bill said? Well, I think they made a couple of positive comments today. (See my posts up-thread)
81 posted on
09/25/2011 7:14:53 AM PDT by
( Celebrate Republicans Freed the Slaves Month.)
To: All
It's like the tortoise and the hare..with Cain the tortoise. He'll just keep plodding away, earning more and more fans along the way, while other candidates fall by the side. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and
Cain's got the experience, the personal story, the principles, and the genuine likability to beat Obama, and all while generating the fewest enemies along the way. With the $1 billion+ negative ad tsunami the Dems are planning, Herman Cain is the best we could hope for imo, given that those like Ryan and Pence have opted out.
85 posted on
09/25/2011 7:21:08 AM PDT by
To: Friendofgeorge
Exactly, when will they get someone who can speak for real Conservatives talking about real solutions. We get a bunch of Country Clubbers telling everyone what we should be thinking rather than simply reporting.
They should have been all over the Cain win since they moved their studio to FL, likely to interview Perry or Mitt. Rather we hear their whining about nobody won who represented them.
90 posted on
09/25/2011 7:26:16 AM PDT by
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