Reality: Sarah is not in this!!!!!
If she decides to run then for sure let’s support her but we have to get these ducks in a row NOW!!!! and get the Republican machinery locked and loaded to get rid of the obamessiah!!!
“we have to get these ducks in a row now!”
The convention is not for 11 months. The seven dwarfs obviously won’t beat Obama.
Sarah is the one. Hopefully she will stay out until the leaders self- destruct, which they will.
re: ‘...we have to get these ducks in a row NOW!!!! and get the Republican machinery locked and loaded to get rid of the obamessiah!!!’
Excuse me, but that is B.S.
The election is not until the second Tuesday of November NEXT YEAR.
“We can’t just change the uniforms, we need to change the team and the game plan.” ~ Sarah Palin
If she decides to run then for sure lets support her but we have to get these ducks in a row NOW!!!!
I agree, the Sycophants for Sarah are experiencing what can only be described as "Puppy Love". Its like watching your best Jr High school friend get his first kiss from a girl and be totally infatuated with her and unable to see any faults.
Or, some people might say "Obama II", where it doesn't matter what Sarah believes or says, everything gets interpreted by the "Hope & Change" filter to mean "everything that I believe."
Because this is now raw narcissistic emotion, expect them to tear down everyone else and pump up their choice because the imagination and their personal fantasy trumps objective reality.
Most of the candidates now are solid enough, and all of them are better than Obama. Would we like better? Many would because of the "there might be something better around the corner" non-committal disorder. Sarah may be smart enough to remember those school days and the power and duration of Puppy Love, and she may be sitting out so that if/when she enters, the uncritical infatuation still is at work for early November.
I hope we don't have a condition where a couple may have only dated for a couple months, get married, and a year later are talking more to their divorce attorneys than their spouse - sort of what we are seeing with the Left and their "spouse" Obama.
We need our ducks in a row next October, not this October. There's time. As for the Republican "machinery", I consider them nearly as destructive to our country as Obama's been. Obama didn't invent "bad government", he merely highlighted it. We need radical change in the way politics works, including the Republican party. Crony capitalism exists in both parties.