wrong hill to die on.
repeat: makes us look like crazies. we can defeat obama but we cant go psycho on these kind of issues. just my opinion.
I'd say that's the subject matter that will win the White House.
But, having said that, I will add that it is our socially liberal impulses that have caused government to balloon to enormous size. We want to save the snail darter, we want to take care of the elderly and sick and poor, we want to build nations in Iraq, Afghnaistan and everywhere else.
One way to approach Economic Conservatism is to also push Social Conservatism. They are linked.
I agree that Gardasil seems like a distraction -- but a candidate who thinks safety is the most important thing and that ramming through medical "mandates" with an executive order is a good idea, is someone who is likely to sign us up for a variety of expensive "feel good" government programs.
I wouldn't make Gardasil quite such a big thing, but Gardasil did tell me some unpleasant things about Perry.
You still don’t get it.
Really, it makes you look more like a fool than crazy, because you clearly don’t understand what the debate is about.
The Gardasil argument isn’t just about Gardasil, nor is it about vaccines in general. It is about the over-reaching of government and the stench of big government cronyism.
Then, there’s the defiant demagoguery that Perry used to defend his position against the people of Texas and the legislature.
Sometimes I wonder how republicans win any elections.
I didn't watch the debate, so now I have to ask...who brought up the Gardasil issues in last night's debate? If it was Blitzer then we are taking the bait! If it was one of the candidates then whoever started it needs to be kicked out of the race right now! It's like taking the first shot in a circular firing squad!
ANY government, federal, state and local that forces a parent to give medication to their children that they don’t want to is overreach unless its a medication that is for a contagious disease that puts the population of children at risk....this vaccine was for a sexual transmitted disease....not too many 12 year olds fall into that category. There are risks of reactions to any vaccine, but for most the risk outweighs the results...IE: such as polio vaccine...Not this silly vaccine for children that the results of are not known....Death is not the only reaction to vaccines....some are worse, paralysis, mental retardation and even coma......As a student nurse I took care of a young boy with retardation due to adverse reaction to the necessary inoculation for starting school...But the individual risk was outweighed by the prevention of a far greater risk to everyone..