Posted on 09/12/2011 7:14:30 AM PDT by newzjunkey
Broadcast on: CNN
Broadcast time: 8pm EDT/5pm PDT
The Candidates:
Michele Bachmann
Bachmann is serving her 3rd full term in the U.S. House. Founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, she earned a Master of Laws degree, worked as a tax attorney, and was a foster mother for 23 teenagers. She is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Herman Cain
Cain is the former chief executive of Godfather's Pizza and former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He lost the Georgia Republican primary for a U.S. Senate seat in 2004. He was recently the host of Atlanta-based radio show.
Newt Gingrich
Gingrich served as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He represented Georgia's 6th congressional district as a Republican member from 1979 to 1999. He has a PhD in modern European history.
Jon Huntsman
Huntsman was Utah Governor, former ambassador to China under Barack Obama.
Ron Paul
Paul is serving his 11th full term in the U.S. House. Hes an ob-gyn and was Libertarian nominee for president in 1988. He unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for president in 2008
Rick Perry
Perry is the three term governor of Texas, from 2000 to current. He is a retired Air Force captain for former farmer. He has a degree in animal science.
Mitt Romney
Romney was governor of Massachusetts (2003 to 2007) and former CEO of Bain Capital, a private equity investment firm. He unsuccessfully sought the Republican 2008 nomination for president. He has an MBA (Harvard) and JD (Harvard Law).
Rick Santorum
Santorum served two terms in the U.S. House and two terms in the U.S. Senate. He became the Senate's third-ranking Republican in 2001. He was defeated for reelection in 2006.
I thank God she showed her true colors tonight. To make a false accusation against a supposed friend. Blew my mind. That will most certainly bite her.
She who smelt it, dealt it.
I swear I’m living in an alternate universe. First the NYT, then Don Lemon and now Newt? What the hell! ;)
IF she is running.
Now CNN is fact checking Perry on his statements.
I could tolerate Cain or perry as the nominee. Newt is somewhat of a problem but he is smashingly impressive in these debates.
I can’t take Bachmann. She has moments of real strength, but she annoys me.
Perry does not wildly impress me. The Guardasil thing was NOT small government and really stupid as a mandate. His admitting that he couldn’t be bought for a measly $5k was maybe a mite too telling.
And is Cain ready to be CinC? Does he perhaps need to be Veep? I do love his smarts on the economy and his common sense!
Santorum had a few good lines, and Paul did as well, following each sensible statement with an insane one.
Newt blows me away at the debates! You almost forget all the boneheaded things he’s done. I’d rather him than Obama, that’s for sure. Him over Romney too.
Huntsman? Time for him to bow out.
They are going to lie about us and the dbm will repeat their lies. That's what we have to get good at defending.
The PEOPLE of Texas, through their legislature, decided to pass this law and it's their business, not yours. PERIOD. Unless you want to toss out the Constitution and you get to decide for everyone.
I agree with your assessment. Newt is a fantastic debater. But, I’ll never be able to get that image of him sitting on the couch with Pelosi pushing the fraud of GlobullWarming. Oh well. He was really good in the debate tonight.
Count me as one Perry supporter that doesn’t much care who she endorses. Rubio? Maybe...
“Over 40% of teens between ages 15-19 admit that they have had sex at least once.”
I got acquainted with a 16 YO girl some years back who, within the space of 3 months, got pregnant 3 times and got an abortion each time. She was book smart, too. I lost a lot of respect for her on that.
Because first, the law under which Perry issued his order didn't have an "opt-in" process, it had an "opt-out" process, like all school-required vaccine laws.
And second, because a vaccine law with an "opt-in" makes absolutely NO SENSE. If you want to take a vaccine, you can take it, you don't need permission. So a law that said "you are required to take this vaccine for school, except you don't have to, and but if you want to, go right ahead" would be a useless law. You wouldn't have to send a note to school to GET the vaccine, and you wouldn't have to send ANY note to school saying you TOOK the vaccine, so the law would have absolutely no effect.
What I guess we really needed was a DIFFERENT law, that provided a set of vaccines that were NOT required, but for which the school vaccine policies would apply IF the parents chose to get the vaccine. That way, the vaccine would be on the insurance coverage, and the reduced-free vaccine program for poor people would cover it.
Except some here have complained about tax dollars being used in a way that would encourage sexual activity, so I'm not sure having such a law would be acceptable to them. And since every parent could skip the Gardisil vaccine by simply going online and saying "no", it doesn't really look like the opponents are REALLY fighting over it being "mandatory".
Yes. All other mandated vaccines are to protect fellow students from a communicable disease.
That really doesn’t apply at all in the case of Perry’s old chief of staff’s lobbied for Gardisil.
Hmmm...I didn't see anything of the must be a body language expert...with a degree and employed full time doing just that?
Biggest surprise of the night was Bachmann's career suicide. Besides that, not much we didn't know.
Perry is wrong on Gardasil, and has illegal immigration issues, but is strong on everything else.
Romney is right on limiting government's harmful impact on the economy, but wrong on everything else.
No one else stands a chance, but I do like Cain.
A false accusation? It’s all over the internet, son!
You are correct. The border fence argument is to me very shallow. In remote areas, there would be more tunnels under it than in my backyard from the moles and gophers. It would be a huge waste of money. I say more boots on the ground and drones.
Then why not take it to the people?
Thats exactly why I will never vote for Perry. I dont like his cozy attitude towards Muslims. And dont say he doesnt. Ive seen all I care to about his speeches and what hes done with and for them.
That's a silly statement. There are a whole lot of vaccinatins that you CAN'T opt-out of, better judgment or not - at least not if you put your kids into school. This is one of the least onerous, because they made it easy to opt-out once, instead of having to renew the opt-out every year like with some vaccines.
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