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Has Sarah Palin exhausted the patience of her supporters?
The Christian Science Monitor ^ | 08/24/2011 | Peter Grier

Posted on 08/26/2011 10:21:29 AM PDT by BuckeyeTexan

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To: gov_bean_ counter
Do some of us here not get what she's doing?
It's called s-t-r-a-t-e-g-y.
Yes, we all want her in.
She knows what she's doing. She has a plan.
She's a hunter. I believe it's called “stalking your prey”.
Just sit back and wait.
(Oh yeah, and enjoy the show.)
161 posted on 08/26/2011 1:34:23 PM PDT by sillsfan (Reagan and Sarah are right- WE win, they lose!)
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To: Logic n' Reason


162 posted on 08/26/2011 1:44:15 PM PDT by penelopesire (Let The Congressional Hearings Begin!)
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To: rbmillerjr
Who do you support, Polybius?

My candidate is not a "who" but a "what".

My "what" is:

"The most conservative candidate that can actually defeat Obama in the general election".

In the bad old days, when even the thought of Donald Trump brought hope to a pathetically weak GOP field, my candidate was "None of the Above". Romney was too liberal and the other candidates were Alan Keyes and Christine O'Donnell disasters waiting to happen. Donald Trump was beyond ludicrous.

Surely, in all of America, there had to be one candidate that had more than ZERO executive experience (Bachmann didn't) or had at least won a single election in his entire life (Cain never had) or did not have 75% of all voters believing that she would NOT be a good President (Palin) or was not a complete joke (Trump).

Things were NOT looking good for the home team.

Then comes along the Governor, for almost 11 years, of the second most populous and the most economically successful State in the Union: Perry. Somebody that can actually beat Obama that is more conservative than Romney.

So, for now, Perry is my dog because he fits the definition of my "what":

"The most conservative candidate that can actually defeat Obama in the general election".

Are there things that I do not like about Perry?

Of course there are. Lots of them. "Perfect" only exists in Fairy Tales.

If a better dog THAT CAN ACTUALLY DEFEAT OBAMA comes along, I would plug Perry, right between the eyes, as if he were Old Yeller, without shedding a single tear.

That is the beauty of a "what". You don't get emotionally attached to any "who".

When a better "what" comes along, let me know and I will support him or her and dump Perry.

However, be advised that I base my "can beat Obama" criteria on cold, hard data and not on wishful thinking.

163 posted on 08/26/2011 1:54:50 PM PDT by Polybius (Defeating Obama is Priority Number One)
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To: gov_bean_ counter; flowerplough

Perry is a 27 year politician. He wouldn’t have signed a law that made politicians answerable to the people.

164 posted on 08/26/2011 1:54:50 PM PDT by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are here! What will you do?)
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To: Colonel_Flagg

I agree. :)

165 posted on 08/26/2011 1:55:32 PM PDT by luvie (Obama is E V I L!!! RUN, SARAH---RUN!!!)
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To: gov_bean_ counter

You made a point, I’ll hand it to you. The truth will come out in the end, either way, it always does. And if I’m wrong, if Palin gets elected and turns out to be a good President, I’ll admit it. I’m just human. This is all just based on my own observations, you can take it or leave it.

166 posted on 08/26/2011 1:57:37 PM PDT by rodeo-mamma (The ends don't justify the means.)
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To: sillsfan

Oh yea, I’m feed up /s

167 posted on 08/26/2011 1:58:05 PM PDT by TsonicTsunami08
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To: Polybius

Very intelligent.

168 posted on 08/26/2011 1:58:13 PM PDT by luvie (Obama is E V I L!!! RUN, SARAH---RUN!!!)
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To: rodeo-mamma
Fair enough.

Have a great evening.

169 posted on 08/26/2011 1:58:34 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (Wesley Clark was an Eagle Scout too...)
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To: el_texicano

Plaaaeeze, stay with ronpaul, you’ll do all us a favor.

170 posted on 08/26/2011 1:59:51 PM PDT by dusttoyou ("Progressives" are wee-weeing all over themselves, Foc nobama)
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To: Polybius
and the most economically successful State in the Union

During Palins Governorship of Alaska the general surplus fund averaged $2.6 billion. Perry's average is $7 million.

171 posted on 08/26/2011 2:02:28 PM PDT by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are here! What will you do?)
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To: Polybius
Solid answer. I'll give you that. I think your "cold, hard, facts" right now are more like data points at a specific point in time. They will shift based in large measure due to the emotionalism you decry.

At least you aren't part of the crowd doing victory laps after just two weeks out of the gate.

172 posted on 08/26/2011 2:05:18 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (Wesley Clark was an Eagle Scout too...)
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To: mnehring
Most Palin supporters and most Perry supporters I've seen cross over and don't fight. If you look at the backgrounds of those who are really starting the fights, you'll find a lot were Ron Paulites in the last election.

I hadn't thought of that. Interesting...

Where there's a shell, there's a way.

If you can't appreciate the pure beauty of the violin after hearing this, something's wrong with your ears.

Or you can get raw with these strings. Either way, the violin is sweet yet lethal.

Do it!

173 posted on 08/26/2011 2:19:27 PM PDT by rdb3 (The mouth is the exhaust pipe of the heart.)
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To: DJ MacWoW
.... and the most economically successful State in the Union

During Palins Governorship of Alaska the general surplus fund averaged $2.6 billion. Perry's average is $7 million.

First of all, the finances of "Government" do not constitute an "economy". An "economy" means JOBS.

48% of post-recession jobs were created in Texas, which does not have a State Income Tax

Secondly, the Alaska surplus came from increased taxes.

Palin Boosted Oil-Company Taxes While Alaska Had Budget Surplus .... Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who has joined the Republican national ticket as a tax-cutter, was a driving force in raising a tax on oil companies last year that will help swell the state's budget surplus. .... The increase backed by the Republican vice presidential nominee will, at current prices, raise oil revenue to $11 billion this year -- almost twice what the state needs to fund its government -- state documents show.

If you allow me to tax you out the wazoo and get revenues that are "twice what the state needs to fund its government", I will guarantee your State a bigger surplus than Texas too.

Thirdly, even if Alaska were the most economically successful Sate, it would be a moot point for my "what".

In the August 2011 FOX News Poll, 75% of all voters believed that Sarah Palin would NOT be a good President. Thus, the Governor of Alaska fails my "what" criteria of being able to defeat Obama in 2012.

174 posted on 08/26/2011 2:23:32 PM PDT by Polybius (Defeating Obama is Priority Number One)
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To: carjic

I think someone previously posted a picture of the “team” you’d support and Queen Sheila was VP.

175 posted on 08/26/2011 2:27:45 PM PDT by dusttoyou ("Progressives" are wee-weeing all over themselves, Foc nobama)
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To: dusttoyou

AAAAhhhccoooooo...Sorry but I am allergent to bullshit. And that comment of yours was a steaming load.

Ron Paul???? Good can’t be serious. That foolish old man needs to simply shut up and go away. He is nothing but an freaking isolationist.

176 posted on 08/26/2011 2:29:22 PM PDT by el_texicano (Extremism in the face of tyranny is no fault, Moderation in the face of evil, no virtue.)
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To: Polybius
First of all, the finances of "Government" do not constitute an "economy". An "economy" means JOBS.

Here come the excuses!!!

How about some real facts?

Palin tossed out the corruption-ridden, structurally-flawed Petroleum Profits Tax of the Murkowski administration and put forth ACES (Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share), which incentivized development while seeing to it that Alaskans — resource owners as per the Alaska Constitution — would receive “A CLEAR and EQUITABLE SHARE (ACES) of the value of their commonly-owned oil and gas.” The result? Alaska was left with a $12 billion surplus. Also, as reported at Big Government, “The number of oil companies filing with the Alaska Department of Revenue has doubled, indicating that competition has indeed increased. Alaska has the second most business friendly tax set-up — up two spots since the passage of ACES. Additionally, a report from Governor Parnell’s Department of Revenue indicated that 2009 yielded a record high in oil jobs.”

177 posted on 08/26/2011 2:33:33 PM PDT by DJ MacWoW (America! The wolves are here! What will you do?)
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To: Tex-Con-Man
JMO...but I think she was surprised by Perry entering, and has decided to see how he does in the upcoming debates before she makes her final decision.

That is pretty much what I think too. She did not sound pleased when she said; "He's going to run even though he said he wouldn't". I heard her say that twice and I thought then that he had blind-sided her. That is why I think he broke his word to Sarah and for that reason I will not vote for him.

178 posted on 08/26/2011 2:37:22 PM PDT by WVNan
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To: BuckeyeTexan

Not mine!

It’s Sarah or third party for me!

179 posted on 08/26/2011 2:38:01 PM PDT by Randy Larsen (I Stand With Sarah!)
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To: WVNan
He broke his word to the people of Texas and now is running on their dime. Why? Because a sitting governor runs better than one out of office. Bottom line.

The one thing I will always respect about GWB is regardless of his political stance, I always felt like I was getting the truth. Not so much with this guy. He showed a little nasty side a couple of days ago too. To me he is looking more like LBJ than GWB.

180 posted on 08/26/2011 2:42:39 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (Wesley Clark was an Eagle Scout too...)
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