At least you aren't part of the crowd doing victory laps after just two weeks out of the gate.
Thanks. As I said, I am not attached to any particular candidate and I feel all the infighting between those pushing their favorites is destructive. My goal is to defeat Obama with the most conservative candidate that can actually win.
I think your "cold, hard, facts" right now are more like data points at a specific point in time. They will shift based in large measure due to the emotionalism you decry.
The problem with Palin, as I see it, it that the "time" has already been three years. In polls, she has 99% name recognition which means that opinions have solidified. I know we disagree on how she will do in the future which is why we probably both wish that she would get into the fight so that the winner can be determined and so that we can then focus on fighting Obama instead of fighting ourselves.
At least you aren't part of the crowd doing victory laps after just two weeks out of the gate.
To me, to paraphrase Churchill, Perry is the worst candidate we have except for all the others.
I do not feel cocky about Perry and I will not be confident until the Electoral College declares Obama defeated.
My laundry list of Perry worries:
* He is a politician of long standing. No politician, not even Sarah, is a saint. Something will be dragged up since the liberal media will vet Perry unlike the pass they gave Obama.
* He looks too perfect. I would prefer him with a $12 haircut but that's just me. Yes, this is superficial but voters pay attention to superficial cr@p nowadays.
* Texas fatigue. I wish he were from any other large state so that he did not look or sound like Bush.
* The "Cowboy" image does great in some states and terribly in others. After Bush, "Cowboy" is not a good thing.
* In the Bible Belt, stressing religion is great. Outside the Bible Belt voters get really nervous. I know. I have lived decades in both places.
* He needs to appeal to voters outside the South. Hopefully, his Air Force service exposed him to enough life outside of Texas.
* He needs to be more careful about banging the social issues drum. The public schools have really changed the way that the younger people think. The best way to get conservative social issues addressed is to keep quite during the election and then makes changes after you win. That is the successful strategy that Obama used.
If a candidate with Perry's executive experience and Marco Rubio's conservatism and eloquence showed up tomorrow, I would drop Perry in an instant.
Perry is not a pretty dog, he's smelly, he's mangy and he tried to hump your leg. I know that and I apologize. But, until a better dog appears, Perry is the dog that I truly believe has the best chance rip out the throat of the Obama dog in November 2012.