Posted on 07/07/2011 2:39:45 PM PDT by edpc
Iran's leadership is undaunted by the sanctions imposed on the country and seems unhindered by the damage the Stuxnet computer worm caused to the centrifuges at the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz.
VIENNA - The procession of cars carrying Fereidoun Abbasi Davani sped down Vienna's Wagramer Strasse this Monday and into the underground car park of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Outside the building, on the bank of the Danube River, some 30 protesters from the Stop the Bomb movement demonstrated, waving signs denouncing the Iranian nuclear scientist. But Iranian security officers seemed more concerned about the prospect of someone trying to exploit Abbasi Davani's controversial visit to finish the job.
On November 29, 2010, anonymous assailants tried to assassinate Abbasi Davani as he emerged from his home in Tehran. He and his wife, seated next to him in the car, were hit by gunfire, but survived the assassination attempt. Iran blamed the Mossad for the failed operation.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I predict an EMP....but we’ll never know if I was right....cause we won’t be able to COMMUNICATE!!! Except by horse and buggy!
You are exactly right.
From the headline I was visualizing Burma Shave signs
along the Wagramerstrasse..
One more time folks. Iran will get the bomb.
And the kenyan president sits in the Oval Office, a smile stretches his lips just a little as his eyes close half way in smug satisfaction for he knows what impends.
Really, hadn’t heard that before!
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
It's been a very long race, nearing the end.
I disagree. They don’t want to just destroy our infrastructure they want to MURDER us, especially the Jews. But they won’t hit the Jews because I have no doubt that the Jews would annihilate them. Now, their ballistic missiles can’t reach the US, yet. They are more likely to bomb a weak, socialist European country who is less likely to bomb the snot out of them.
Iran will use the nukes to guarantee that there will never be an invasion of Iran, and probably no large direct attacks, while they continue to advance their position through terrorist proxies. They know they will be annihilated if they use nuclear weapons. The regime leaders are evil not crazy. They are willing to send idiot martyrs to die for them, but they want long lives of power themselves.
That would be easier to believe if they didn't have Twelvers in their midst.
This is all horse manure for the consumption of the local yokels. Those in power and comfort want to stay that way.
This will be a monumental failure by the free world
The mad mulllahs live in the Tehran equivalent of Georgetown with multiple wives, Mercedes Benzs, and big houses with servants. Martyrdom is for the pions.
Let me start by saying that I do not want Iran to make or have access to nuclear weapons. Also, I don’t have a problem with Israel having them.
However, given the feedback to the posted article, I have a few questions:
How is President Obama’s policy toward Iran on this issue significantly different than his predecessor, former President Bush?
Everything that I have read indicates that for Israel, finding and bombing the Iranian nuclear facilities are significantly more difficult than in Iraq and Syria. It is my understanding that this is why the US, even under President Bush, strongly discouraged Israel from even making the attempt.
Also, what should the US being doing differently to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability?
Thanks edpc.
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