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Breaking: Gas Outages Reported Throughout ABQ (Up to 20,000 customers could be without gas)
The Albuquerque Journal ^
| February 3, 2010
| ABQ Journal staff
Posted on 02/03/2011 9:09:27 AM PST by CedarDave
9:40am UPDATE: New Mexico's Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has activated the state's Emergency Operations Center to a Level 3 operations status because of the effects of the extreme cold in communities across New Mexico, Secretary-Designate Michael S. Duvall said in a news release.
Albuquerque Public Safety Director Darren White told KOAT-TV this morning that as many as 20,000 city residents could be without gas service today.
Increased demand has led to lower gas pressure around the city and the potential for loss of service, and the city was contacted early this morning and told of the potential outage, Action 7 News said.
Natural gas services also have been disrupted in Bernalillo and Placitas, affecting an estimated 9,000 customers, according to the New Mexico Gas Company website.
An additional 10,800 customers have been affected in the Taos, Questa and Red River areas, and roughly 2,600 customers in Espanola are being affected by service disruptions, according to the gas company's emergency updates.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: New Mexico
KEYWORDS: abq; albuquerque; energy; gas; gasoutage; gasoutages; globalcooling; naturalgas; newmexico; nm
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Just damn. Have to stoke up the wood stove this evening.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:09:29 AM PST
To: LegendHasIt; Rogle; leapfrog0202; Santa Fe_Conservative; DesertDreamer; OneWingedShark; ...

NM list PING! Click on the flag to go to the Free Republic New Mexico message page.
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posted on
02/03/2011 9:11:05 AM PST
(What is DADT? Obama's response when inquiries are made about his birth certificate.)
To: CedarDave
They have outlawed wood fires in ALB.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:12:01 AM PST
artificial intelligence
(Your data will be processed by me for future input. Thank you.)
To: CedarDave
stoke up the yuppie windmills over there in Taos-town
posted on
02/03/2011 9:12:11 AM PST
(All that is necessary for evil to succeed, is that good men do nothing)
To: CedarDave
Hmmmmmm in a state that has abundant field of natural gas.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:13:51 AM PST
Coldwater Creek
(He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:)
To: CedarDave
Yet you have idiots around the country agitating to shut down nuclear plants and replace them with, you guessed it, gas-fired generators. Truly the inmates are running the insane asylum.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:14:45 AM PST
To: CedarDave
What! All the Mexican restaurants have closed??!?!
posted on
02/03/2011 9:15:07 AM PST
April Lexington
(Study the Constitution so you know what they are taking away!)
To: artificial intelligence
Not entirely; only during low wind periods (unless the activists got a total ban I hadn’t heard about). And even if that was the case, doubt if they would do anything about it today.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:15:40 AM PST
(What is DADT? Obama's response when inquiries are made about his birth certificate.)
To: artificial intelligence
Not entirely; only during low wind periods (unless the activists got a total ban I hadn’t heard about). And even if that was the case, doubt if they would do anything about it today.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:15:53 AM PST
(What is DADT? Obama's response when inquiries are made about his birth certificate.)
To: artificial intelligence
Law cannot force you to freeze to death, got’em burn’em.
To: CedarDave
Current ABQ temperature 4° F
posted on
02/03/2011 9:20:09 AM PST
(What is DADT? Obama's response when inquiries are made about his birth certificate.)
To: Coldwater Creek
Hmmmmmm in a state that has abundant field of natural gas.A lot of it goes out of state to AZ and CA. The gas company blames it on Texas electrical problems which has shut compressor stations and thus delivery to the pipeline systems.
Cause: Rolling black-outs in West Texas have impeded the delivery of natural gas coming into New Mexico. Our pipeline system is intact and our crews are working to minimize the impact of this temporary situation.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:24:18 AM PST
(What is DADT? Obama's response when inquiries are made about his birth certificate.)
To: artificial intelligence
There is no technological advance which cannot be negated by a liberal with a sociology degree.
To: CedarDave
Just talked to folks there.
Schools have been closed for three days. Gas is out near the end of town. They wanted to start school today but buses would not start.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:26:27 AM PST
artificial intelligence
(Your data will be processed by me for future input. Thank you.)
To: CedarDave
posted on
02/03/2011 9:30:47 AM PST
(The epitome of civility.)
To: CedarDave
You need to have 1-3 propane tanks (kind used for BBQs) filled and a two burner cook stove. I have this at the ready just in case. If you have no heat at least you have hot food and hot drinks
posted on
02/03/2011 9:31:52 AM PST
(- - - -He who does not economize will have to agonize - - - - - Confucius)
To: CedarDave
posted on
02/03/2011 9:32:57 AM PST
Redleg Duke
(We didn't limit out, but we nailed a bunch of RATS!)
To: CedarDave
If I remember correctly the compressors are run by gas turbines, with back up power for the instrumentation. In some installations I have seen the control “air” is natural gas from the system. Things may have changed it has been a while.
posted on
02/03/2011 9:35:25 AM PST
Little Bill
(Harry Browne is a Poofter.)
Comment #19 Removed by Moderator
To: CedarDave
is cool we have solar
posted on
02/03/2011 9:39:08 AM PST
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