Government management at its best/s. Wow, I wonder what they would do with health care?
In the country the post office service persons are very good. In the city, not so good, so those are ones they will keep. Also the post office sends junk mail asking me to buy stamps by mail, but the local post office gets brownie points for selling me stamps, so they compete against themselves.
Obama will not allow his constituent welfare program to end.
Nations larget employer greater than Walmart has a pullback. If Congress had brains they would put out bids to spin off 50% and let Fedex, UPS and even Walmart bid on the business and run 1/2 in their model vs. the current one and see the results.
Mailboxes? Sure. But post offices, actually staffed and so on? I don't see it.
I still think that sending a letter cross-country, for less than 50 cents, is pretty cheap.
Here in Hollywood, we have FIVE PO’s within driving distance of 5 minutes. Letr’s say u hate the clerks at 1 PO, you could literally walk to the others within 15 minutes.
Dinosaur Media DeathWatch
Our federal government is admitting it is not competent to perform one of the few jobs it is actually empowered to perform.
Wow! That certainly increases my confidence in its ability to handle the tens of thousands of issues it has NOT been empowered to insert itself in to but which it involves itself any way...
The Post Office will mail you as many Priority Mail boxes as you want - all free of charge.
Perhaps if they want to save money, that would be one place to look.
Maybe in 1811, not so in 2011. (Posted from a remote community)
Use the Sam Drucker model. Heck, you can already buy stamps at Winn Dixie. Just don’t get your store reclassified from a 3ND to a 2PD-BB!!!
As post offices close mail orders and Ebayers will have a hard time of it. This is monies the government wants.
The government wants to empty the rural areas completly for the elite.
Increase the price of gas, and cut off the post office is a good start.
Well, they “de-activated” our mailbox about a year ago. I used to be able to walk to it to deposit my mail.
Now I have to drive to the replacement box.
Maybe they’ll de-activate that one too so we’ll have to take a bus.
The post office is obsolete. All mail can be delivered electronically and packages can be delivered either by UPS or FedEx.
Time for this dinosaur to go extinct.
Not to mention over 1/2 the clerks are minorities. (white men not welcome) Do the math for the next to years. I know a guy that works for the USPS as an Electronic Technicians,, he calls it the W&SC. (Welfare and Social Club)
PS,, the USPS does use some high tech stuff. Most letter size mail is only touched by the person that picks it up and the person that delivers it. The rest is mechanical/computers.
Side note,, Affirmative Action is alive and well at the USPS,, they just lowered the testing standards for the higher paying maintenance jobs to facilitate more minorities.
In the beginning, a government-run post office was necessary to provide the infrastructure because there was no private alternative. The Post Office has outlived itself.
I mean, if you think about, if you think about it, UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? No, they are. It's the Post Office that's always having problems." - Barack Obama