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Avoid Social Issues, GOP Urged (Homosexualists, Pro-Aborts Co-opt Tea Party Movement)
Politico ^ | Sunday, November 14, 2010 | Ben Smith and Byron Tau

Posted on 11/14/2010 3:38:40 PM PST by kristinn

A gay conservative group and some Tea Party leaders are campaigning to keep social issues off the Republican agenda.

In a letter to be released Monday, the group GOProud and leaders from groups like the Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots, will urge Republicans in the House and Senate to keep their focus on shrinking the government.

"On behalf of limited-government conservatives everywhere, we write to urge you and your colleagues in Washington to put forward a legislative agenda in the next Congress that reflects the principles of the Tea Party movement," they write to presumptive House Speaker John Boehner and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell in an advance copy provided to POLITICO. "This election was not a mandate for the Republican Party, nor was it a mandate to act on any social issue."

The letter's signatories range from GOProud's co-founder and Chairman Christopher Barron — a member of a group encouraging Dick Cheney to run for president and who has been known to post images of his bare torso to Twitter — to Tea Party leaders with no particular interest in the gay rights movement.

As of Sunday evening, the letter had 17 signatories. They include tea party organizers, conservative activists and media personalities from across the country, including radio host Tammy Bruce, bloggers Bruce Carroll, Dan Blatt and Doug Welch, and various local coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots and other tea party groups.

"When they were out in the Boston Harbor, they weren't arguing about who was gay or who was having an abortion," said Ralph King, a letter signatory who is a Tea Party Patriots national leadership council member, as well as an Ohio co-coordinator.

King said he signed onto the letter because GOProud seemed to be genuine in pushing for fiscal conservatism and limited government.

"Am I going to be the best man at a same sex-marriage wedding? That's not something I necessarily believe in," said King. "I look at myself as pretty socially conservative. But that's not what we push through the Tea Party Patriots."

That indifference is essentially the point of the gay conservative group.



Dear Senator McConnell and Representative Boehner

On behalf of limited government conservatives everywhere we write to urge you and your colleagues in Washington to put forward a legislative agenda in the next Congress that reflects the principles of the Tea Party movement.

Poll after poll confirms that the Tea Party’s laser focus on issues of economic freedom and limited government resonated with the American people on Election Day. The Tea Party movement galvanized around a desire to return to constitutional government and against excessive spending, taxation and government intrusion into the lives of the American people.

The Tea Party movement is a non-partisan movement, focused on issues of economic freedom and limited government, and a movement that will be as vigilant with a Republican-controlled Congress as we were with a Democratic-controlled Congress.

This election was not a mandate for the Republican Party, nor was it a mandate to act on any social issue, nor should it be interpreted as a political blank check.

Already, there are Washington insiders and special interest groups that hope to co-opt the Tea Party’s message and use it to push their own agenda – particularly as it relates to social issues. We are disappointed but not surprised by this development. We recognize the importance of values but believe strongly that those values should be taught by families and our houses of worship and not legislated from Washington, D.C.

We urge you to stay focused on the issues that got you and your colleagues elected and to resist the urge to run down any social issue rabbit holes in order to appease the special interests.

The Tea Party movement is not going away and we intend to continue to hold Washington accountable. Sincerely,

Christopher R Barron
Chairman of the Board, GOProud

Andrew Ian Dodge
Coordinator, Maine Tea Party Patriots

Pam Stevenson
Coordinator, Arizona Tea Party Patriots

Dianna Greenwood
Executive Director, New American Patriots (Ashland, OH)

Jim Mason II
Chairman and State Coordinator, Nebraska’s Tea Party Patriots

Ralph King
Co-coordinator Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Co-coordinator State of Ohio Tea Party Patriots

Jack Lien
Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots of Great Malls (Montana)

Tammy Bruce
National Radio Talk Show Host

JP Weber
Coordinator, Annapolis (Maryland) Tea Party

Doug Welch,
Blogger and member Southern Illinois Tea Party

Bruce Carroll
Conservative Activist and Blogger

Pam Stout
Coordinator, Sandpoint Idaho Tea Party Patriots

Dan Blatt
Conservative Activist and Blogger

Everett Wilkinson
Coordinator, Florida Tea Party

Jimmy LaSalvia
Executive Director, GOProud

Paul Crockett
President Santa Clara (California) Tea Party
David Thor Andreasen
Cumberland County (Maine) Tea Party

TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: abortion; bugzapper; congress; conservatives; coopeted; fifthcolumn; fiscalconservatism; gayrinos; gaystapotactics; goproud; homosexualagenda; infiltration; lavendermafia; madhatters; prodeath; rinos; socialconservatives; sporkweasel; subversion; tammybruce; teabaggers; teaparty; teapartypatriots
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To: WaterBoard
>>TEA PARTY means ‘Taxed Enough Already”

No, Tea Party is a reference to the instigating event that initiated the first American Revolution.  You know, the first time NyLon "Fiscal Conservative" quisling moneychangers were sent packing back across the pond.... before being ejected again in the war of 1812.

Nice try at revisionism though, twit.

Furthermore, the sentiment that galvanized Tea Party folks into assembly this time was the demoralized perversion manifested in the systemic corruption of our national financial infrastructure and the thieving BAILOUT of the "Fiscally Conservative" moral miscreants who corrupted it.

"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.
The first stage being "demoralization".... "
--KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov
Observe 100...700 Trillion dollars worth of derivative a$$paper that was initiated via LIAR loans.   Since when is LYING moral?  
Now the perverted activists who've been demoralizing this nation for the past 40 years, since their glorious "sexual revolution" in the 60s, want finish what they started? 

141 posted on 11/14/2010 6:10:47 PM PST by LomanBill (Animals! The DemocRats blew up the windmill with an Acorn!)
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To: counterpunch

Already told you, asshole, our God-given Liberties are NOT debatable and NOT negotiable!!


Troll sighting!!


142 posted on 11/14/2010 6:11:44 PM PST by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is brewing!! Nuke the corrupt commie bastards to HELL!!)
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To: scbison

“Correct, we shouldn’t talk about social issues which means we don’t do anything about gay marriage.. Leave everything as it is now.. Only between man and women. Two can play that game.”

I only know a couple of gay guys. I have questioned both about the issue of gay marriage. Both of them thought that the issue was “stupid” as well as the “hate crimes”. They didn’t believe in any type “civil union”. How I didn’t ask them about abortion, but, I bet, the gays are just divided as any group on that issue as well.

143 posted on 11/14/2010 6:15:36 PM PST by steveab (When was the last time someone tried to sell you a CO2 induced climate control system for your home?)
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To: VADoc1980; 50mm; darkwing104

Incoming message ...

One comfirmed zot.
Jim Thompson involved.
Other casualties likely.
Possible purge in progress.

Take appropriate actions.


End transmission.

144 posted on 11/14/2010 6:16:25 PM PST by Pan_Yan
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To: Jim Robinson; counterpunch

145 posted on 11/14/2010 6:18:59 PM PST by paulycy (Demand Constitutionality. Save America From Bankruptcy.)
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To: Cobra64

One more time: FR’s God-given Life & Liberty constitutional conservative activism agenda!!
In response to GOP Proud (Queer eye for the TPP) ^ | Nov 14, 2010 | Jim Robinson

Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:13:16 PM by Jim Robinson
Edited on Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:16:03 PM by Jim Robinson. [history]

One more time:

As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-capitalism, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and-pro America. We oppose all forms of liberalism, socialism, fascism, pacifism, totalitarianism, anarchism, government enforced atheism, abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, wacko environmentalism, judicial activism, etc. We also oppose the United Nations or any other world government body that may attempt to impose its will or rule over our sovereign nation and sovereign people. We believe in defending our BORDERS, our constitution and our national sovereignty.

Free Republic is private property. It is not a government project, nor is it funded by government or taxpayer money. We are not a publicly owned entity nor are we an IRS tax-free non-profit organization. We pay all applicable taxes on our income. We are not connected to or funded by any political party, news agency, or any other entity. We sell no merchandise, product or service, and we offer no subscriptions or paid memberships. We accept no paid advertising or promotions. We are funded solely by donations (non tax deductible gifts) from our readers and participants.

We aggressively defend our God-given and first amendment guaranteed rights to free speech, free press, free religion, and FREEDOM of ASSOCIATION, as well as our constitutional right to control the use and content of our own personal private property. Despite the wailing of the liberal trolls and other doom & gloom naysayers, we feel no compelling need to allow them a platform to promote their repugnant and obnoxious propaganda from our forum. Free Republic is NOT a liberal debating society. We are conservative activists dedicated to defending our GOD-GIVEN rights, defending our constitution, defending our republic and defending our traditional American way of Life.

Our God-given Life, Liberty and freedoms are NOT negotiable!!

For God, Family, Country, Live and Liberty!!

If you cannot live with the above, fine, but keep your mouth shut about it. Don’t fight against us on ANY of our deeply held beliefs!!


Anti-Life and Liberty trolls will be ZOT on sight!!

146 posted on 11/14/2010 6:19:40 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.CSLewis)
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To: counterpunch

>>to the desires of the majority of Americans

You mean like the MAJORITY that have REPEATEDLY rejected same-sex marriage?

Good idea.

Most healthy humans know that NOT eating rotten fruit, or other things that smell bad, is NORMAL.

YOU, however, would cater to the few perverted activists who lack that, and other, healthy instincts — whose agenda is to force the rest of us to accept as “normal” what we instinctively and rationally recognize is an unhealthy abomination of nature.


147 posted on 11/14/2010 6:19:40 PM PST by LomanBill (Animals! The DemocRats blew up the windmill with an Acorn!)
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To: counterpunch; 50mm; darkwing104

Incoming message ...

Second comfirmed zot.
MRVs on radar.
Other casualties imminent.
Purge in progress.

Take appropriate actions.


End transmission.

148 posted on 11/14/2010 6:20:45 PM PST by Pan_Yan
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To: kristinn
"So does that mean their version of the Declaration of Independence includes the right to liberty and the perfuit of buggery, but not life? "No.

This means the is a very strong likelyhood the GOP will split prior, or as a result of the 2012 primaries.

There are at least 25million voters onboard with the GOP...that are uncomfortable with "Social Issues"

I suspect the GOP will have to choose between keeping them, or keeping the 25million "Social Conservatives".

It's lose/lose either way.

149 posted on 11/14/2010 6:20:53 PM PST by Mariner (USS Tarawa, VQ3, USS Benjamin Stoddert, NAVCAMS WestPac, 7th Fleet, Navcommsta Puget Sound)
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To: rbmillerjr
They can’t beat us. All they can do is divide us and have us beat ourselves.

Isn't hard to see through their agenda, is it?

150 posted on 11/14/2010 6:23:44 PM PST by southernsunshine
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To: Mariner
There are at least 25million voters onboard with the GOP...that are uncomfortable with "Social Issues"

As long as we don't abandon any of the main planks of conservatism (fiscal, social, national defense), everyone will stay on board.

When we get in trouble is when we stray from any of those (e.g., "compassionate conservatism," "Rockefeller Republicans," etc.).

151 posted on 11/14/2010 6:24:14 PM PST by B Knotts (Just another Tenther)
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To: kristinn

“Already, there are Washington insiders and special interest groups that hope to co-opt the Tea Party’s message and use it to push their own agenda – particularly as it relates to social issues. We are disappointed but not surprised by this development. We recognize the importance of values but believe strongly that those values should be taught by families and our houses of worship and not legislated from Washington, D.C.

We urge you to stay focused on the issues that got you and your colleagues elected and to resist the urge to run down any social issue rabbit holes in order to appease the special interests.”

Oh, this is priceless. Thank you, idiots for telling us how afraid you are that YOUR special interests might be in jeopardy by the Conservative landslide.

This is a pure fear reaction. Especially since it was given to Politico first. If you want to sort the gold from the silt you’ve got to shake things up first. The silt is showing itself.

152 posted on 11/14/2010 6:24:40 PM PST by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
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To: counterpunch
without the need to open up a divisive debate that will only hamper conservative efforts.

Fear of opening up a "divisive" debate is whats wrong with the REPUBLICRAT WASHINGTONIANS that we aim to take down.

We intend to call out the democrat party reds, marxists, socialist crooks and com symps by name, and not be afraid to be accused of McCarthyism.

We intend the call out the democrat party degenerate sex perverts and baby killers by name, and not be afraid to be called homophobic and anti-choice.

And finally, we intend to put the red sons of bitches in the press on notice that their day has come and gone, the days of them operating in support of our enemies domestic and foreign are over, WE ARE GOING TO PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS.

They will be running scared of the American people, and not be picking our leaders or pulling their minor league propaganda stunts like Rathergate or this GOP Proud letter crap without consequence.

153 posted on 11/14/2010 6:25:16 PM PST by Rome2000 (OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST CRYPTO-MUSLIM)
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To: kristinn

No, it means that the police power should be left to the states, which, as I understand it, was the case before Congress really started to step out of bounds. The states would thus regulate homosexual behavior, marriage, and abortion (the latter of which, all states will eventually outlaw, I hope).

And don’t get me started on the Big-Government Federal Marriage Amendment...

154 posted on 11/14/2010 6:28:20 PM PST by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Muslims are not the problem, the rest of the world is! /s)
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To: grumpygresh

I agree with you regarding federalism and activist judges. If we had a strict constructionist federal judiciary then the social issues would be taken care of in State legislatures.

155 posted on 11/14/2010 6:29:12 PM PST by rogue yam
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To: ari-freedom

“Great answer. Let’s remove all funding for Planned Parenthood, AIDS research and sex education and then say it’s not about social issues. It’s about fiscal issues and watch how fast they change tack.”

Don’t forget federal funded embryonic stem cell research. That’s a lot of money.”

Lets do it.

156 posted on 11/14/2010 6:31:15 PM PST by steveab (When was the last time someone tried to sell you a CO2 induced climate control system for your home?)
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To: Mariner; wagglebee; little jeremiah
It's lose/lose either way

For the left.

Unemployed people (as has been very much the case these past 2 years of leftist agenda) have nothing but time to re-evaluate their priorities.

If the social liberals in both parties keep the nation on the liberal course, the social conservatism follows.

Historically, the nation that emerged from the great depression was far, far, more conservative socially than the US during the gilded age - that is not even remotely debatable. FDR enacted a certain amount of socialism fiscally (building on Hoover's playing the same roll Obama is now reprising) but the social mores moved to the right of the roaring 20s.

No Compromise.

157 posted on 11/14/2010 6:32:23 PM PST by MrEdd (Heck? Geewhiz Cripes, thats the place where people who don't believe in Gosh think they aint going.8)
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To: wagglebee; brucebrucebruceoftheforest; 50mm; Old Sarge; darkwing104; kristinn; Jim Robinson; ...
YOU are the one who thinks that opposing abortion and the homosexual agenda is "crap" and a "waste of time" and that makes you a troll. You ARE NOT on the side of conservatism and the fact that you have been a member here for over a decade and have less than three dozen posts is further evidence of that.

He was registered for four years before making his first post.


158 posted on 11/14/2010 6:32:45 PM PST by metmom (Welfare was never meant to be a career choice.)
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To: Jim Robinson
FU, troll!!

A little harsh maybe? He wants to get one thing done at a time. Maybe if we bring up the "social" issues we will lose some votes we need. Besides, if there are 100 things you believe in, and he only agrees on 98, you want him out of here? Obama will be out in 2012, and we will get a lot of things done. Let's get what we can now.

159 posted on 11/14/2010 6:33:01 PM PST by bobzeetwin
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To: kristinn
The whole issue is straw man. Republicans have more than enough time to focus on both fiscal and social issues. Failure to do so will spawn a third party.

The same is true of the Tea Party. The vast majority of those aligned with the Tea Party movement are socially conservative and want action on those issue as well as fiscal ones.

160 posted on 11/14/2010 6:36:08 PM PST by Ol' Sparky (Liberal Republicans are the greater of two evils)
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