A little harsh maybe? He wants to get one thing done at a time. Maybe if we bring up the "social" issues we will lose some votes we need. Besides, if there are 100 things you believe in, and he only agrees on 98, you want him out of here? Obama will be out in 2012, and we will get a lot of things done. Let's get what we can now.
That's not how it works. And the social issues directly impact the fiscal ones. Anyone that ignores that is stupid.
Social issues are a higher priority than fiscal issues for social conservatives.
Here is a clue you are not bright enough to understand on your own:
Unemployed people deprived of their ability to work by a socialist government tend to move right in their thinking
Social conservative not only have zero intentions of compromising social issues to achieve fiscal goals...it pays off to hold true.
Social conservatives literally do not need those votes you describe if they are playing for the long haul. We will get many of them as people come face to face with themselves when they have more time than money on their hands, and no more rich government helping them go play some more.
By turning the GOP into a socially moderate "Dem-lite" party elections are LOST!