Aahhh yes.... It’s the gays that swept Republicans into office. Them and the evil joos. /s
The Hillbuzz effect?
The gays I know are furious at the Dems.
Why shouldn’t they? Gays own businesses, too. Gays invest in the stock market, too.
And you know the Post is writing this and headlining it the way it is to get a rise out of social conservatives. Hey, they need to cheer themselves up after the election by stiring the pot with Republican constituencies.
Wheredid they get these figures?
I didnt have to put “Straight” on my voter card, did they register as gays?
The Republican’s can’t go on losing every minority group by huge percentages forever. Not all homosexuals are pushing for the traditional far left gay agenda.
Maybe they are startign to figure out one-issue voting is really really bad and being able to get married is not so good if you are in a communist country
This is not surprising.
TAXES, DADT, Aids funding. Zero LIED big time.
Not every Conservative is a social conservative and not every “gay” is invested in the “gay agenda”.
A preference for “small government” is a preference that can “swing both ways”. /sarc (I just couldn’t pass that one up)
Yay! Welcome!! Don’t let anyone make you feel unwanted here (and some will try!). Smart people are finding out that Democrats welcome GROUPS, to patronize and pit them against other groups!
We welcome AMERICANS!!! Of all stripes!!! We are about FREEDOM, and that benefits every single American!!!
ANYBODY who wants the United States to survive is profoundly concerned--and is determined to throw the Democrats out of office! That's the only hope for the survival of the United States.
I PERSONALLY know gays who voted for:
1) Ronald Reagan TWICE
2) GW Bush, TWICE
3) Jesse Helms
4) Strom Thurmond
5) Rick Perry
Why does the media seem so surprised that gays actually have political beliefs that don’t match the typical stereotype.
31% of the 3% of voters who ID’d themselves
as gay at exit polls is not a really large number.
However, as a Conservative on almost every issue,
I don’t care if you’re gay and it doesn’t shock
me to know that gay people care about their country.
Hopefully Hillbuzz will be a great way for more gays
to know that we are not armed with sticks and
pitchforks against them, but would welcome anyone
who cares more about the country as a whole than
a single agenda.
Well of course more voted R now than they did in 2008.
Gays aren’t stupid. They have to eat and save for the future, just like the rest of us, and they know that our economic breakdown is ruining their future. Besides, you can’t take a fabulous vacation without lots of dough in the bank account!
Not all gay persons think gay marriage is a good thing. Not all gays think gay pride parades are good. Not all gay people think teaching about homosexuality is public schools is a good thing. Not all gay people think they are born that way. Diverse group. You only hear from one side.