New info on how Boxer and her fellow Rats supported the insurgency in Iraq.
Freepers, please hit your ping lists this is amazing stuff.
It’s about time that people are listening and digging deeper into this. Freepers have only been shouting about this from the rooftops for years!! I’m saving copies of the letter as we speak.
Cindy Sheehan, Jodie Evans, Hugo Chavez,
Medea Benjamin [co-founder Code Pink]
Code Pink 'Bundles' for Barack, 4/14/2008
"The co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink [Jodie Evans] has bundled more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obamas presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money."
From National Public Radio (NPR):
August 29, 2006
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been visiting countries such as China, Iran and Russia as part of an effort to build a 'strategic alliance' of interests not beholden to the United States. He considers the United States his arch enemy.":
REVOLUTION: Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA [Maoist]
Revolution interview with ["Peace Mom"] Cindy Sheehan: October 29, 2005:
['Revolution' is the official newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Party]
Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans embraces commie
traitor Jane Fonda
Lots of great related info at David Horowitz’s website:
ie, Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange, links to two interesting articles:
America’s Fifth Column Goes to Iraq
By Ben Johnson
July 28, 2003
To Fallujah, with Love
By Ben Johnson
January 5, 2005
I’m going to take a page out of one of Moonbeam’s aides and say who cares about any of these whores. Especially the anti-military Babs Boxer.