Sure, no gov in the history of rhe world is as pure as the driven snow.
But the Peoples’ Republic of China has ramped up the evil to a huge degree.
The trading relationship with the US and China sucks, it enriches China and businesses who deal with China. Impoverishes those Americans who lost jobs to Chinese workers (not a small number), and now the US public has no choice but to buy total crap. It’s like paying for the bullet that kills you.
Trade protectionism is a good thing, not a bad thing. Money is not God.
I never said that there should not be forms of protectionism. I just said that we should be distant and friendly with all, trade with all and keep out of their wars. Not isolationism, disinterested trade.
I never said that there should not be forms of protectionism. I just said that we should be distant and friendly with all, trade with all and keep out of their wars. Not isolationism, disinterested trade.