Posted on 09/03/2010 10:36:13 PM PDT by neverdem
Most of it has been coming from China in the form of loans and, they don't like us very much...
The GOP is NOT a conservative organization. Putting your Hope for Change in that bunch is a fool's errand. We need a Conservative Party or Conservatives need to clean house at the GOP... Or, the communists will just take a breather and be back at destroying America in 2012 and beyond... The battle for permanent CHANGE is at your GOP caucus level...
I belong to that “Silent” generation before the boomers, a product of the birth dearth of the ‘30s, and was old enough and aware enough in 1948 to remember about the Progressives and Henry Wallace. It was therefore obvious to me in 1972 where George McGovern was coming from ideologically and to see that after Nixon’s Fall and the election of 1974 that the radicals had taken over the Democratic Party. But even as late of the ‘80s, people like Pelosi seemed like lunatics who could never, never rise to power. Guess what. They did, and Obama is no more than ONE of their progeny.
But, not ONE WORD on Immigration, Borders, Language?
I believe THESE are the fundamental Culture issue of 2010 and beyond. When combined with the crazy fiscal mess the libs have created...the GOP has an OPPORTUNITY to win big, while at the same time purging itself of big spenders, immigration advocates and secular bigots.
Again, with leadership, the GOP has the opportunity to build a working, multi-decade coalition.
The immigration issue is closely connected with the total economic picture. Business interests have moved jobs oversees and opened the door to unskilled labor in a way that undercut the rights of the middle class as a whole,
Their judges are everywhere. That's the power. You vote the wrong way they overturn it. That is reality. You are myopic. Go ahead and believe the Superman will show up and the leftists will “lay down their arms.” Welcome to it.
I have to agree with you. The abortion battle has been a slow drift towards total surrender: federally funded abortion on demand. Same goes for other issues like gay marriage, societal norms, etc. Crosses in the desert are little more than distractions from the big picture.
“It’s not the naysayers, or the threats of gloom and doom, that make men rise to greatness. No it is singularly hope springing eternally from the heart of man that drives him to accomplish that which otherwise should not be.”
Author unknown
I don't think so a bit. I remember being defensive about my pro-life views circa 1982. Now, it's the pro-aborts who are defensive.
Gun control is no longer cool unless by gun control you mean squeezing the trigger rather than jerking it.
I also think the taboo of criticizing homosexual behavior has reached the high-water mark and won't advance much further.
I personally am very tolerant of homosexuals but I no longer care whether they tolerate me or not when I express disapproval of their behavior.
You're insulted because I called you a "doomer"? Alright. That's fair, but I believe the charge was warranted, given your doom and gloom post. Per what you said, you believe that America is doomed, hence my charge.
In the balance of my post, I believe that I laid out a reasoned appeal to you to try to see the bright side of all the gains we're making against the ruling class. I don't see how any of that could be insulting to you.
You are myopic. Go ahead and believe the Superman will show up and the leftists will lay down their arms. Welcome to it.
I acknowledge how you feel about America's current ills, but I have to wonder why you read and post here, if you've given up all hope for America's future. I honestly don't get that.
To each his own. Peace.
Damn right it has! Americans, Remember in November when you Vote it's the Republican vs ______-Reid-Pelosi-Obama-Socialism.
Excellent. Many FReepers would be shocked to see how conservative blacks really are.
Liberalism can be killed in our cities - school vouchers, man/woman marriage, 2nd Amendment liberties and abortion are things we have in common with those trapped on the Democrat’s plantation.
I agree; there certainly hasn’t been a shift to the right. There is some cause for optimism, between tough economic times (where anyone would baby seals in their fireplace if it would heat their home) and unrestricted immigration that is bringing in many people who live in the 7th century. It will be a shift to the right, but I don’t know what it will look like...
China will never allow unions; the reason they are a great place to out-source work is because their people are slaves, and things like “safe work environment” or “environmental impact” are irrelevant to the government there. India is only in the picture because they speak English; while they have a growing middle class, the country on the whole has many problems of a developing country; unions in India must keep in mind that call center jobs can be moved to English-speaking parts of east or west Africa if the Indians try to make demands.
No. By my count 29 states would outlaw abortion in the first post-Roe year -- even the Left has outright conceded 22 and put 12 'on the fence'. That's 34 -- what does that tell you?
I know and agree. Look up "The Precinct Project" on
My comment explains *WHY* the GOP is no longer conservative.
NO cheers, unfortunately.
The biggest problem conservatives have is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Polls indicate a serious turning in opinion regarding abortion.
And if you quit on protecting the helpless you may as well quit on everything else.
Outside of religion, conservative institutions are basically banned in this country.
The GOP focused on the mosque and not the Prop. 8 decision, which has a far greater threat to conservative way of life. It's almost like the Republican Party is the controlled opposition intended to make conservatives think they have a voice in the way the country is run.
I'd like to open up a second front within the Democratic Party, to force Republicans to compete for conservative votes and to force Dems from going too far left, but I don't see where to begin. Regardless of Congress & the presidency, the Democrats control the government bureaucracy, and you can't shrink the bureaucracy unless you control it yourself and can advance your partisans while tossing out your enemies.
The GOP belief that it can abolish this government from the outside is laughable.
Are you familiar with the Craig Spence blackmail/prostitution ring which afflicted the GHWB White House? FR had some good threads on it back in the day.
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