Actually not a foreigner, but a born-in-the-USA citizen. He was born in Schaumberg, Illinois, and only lived in El Salvador with his family for four years before moving back there. He graduated from High School there and then served in the Army for three years as aMultiple Launch Rocket System Fire Direction Specialist while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. He says the Army was “perhaps the ideal society”!
Used to be a Republican, but became a Democrat while serving in the Army. Go figure!
He realized he was gay, that will do it every time. Everything gets thrown out the window to politically, and religiously, accomodate homosexuality. They become liberals politically, and they either become Athiests or join a new age church.
I did two and a half years as a medic in an 8” artillery battalion at Warner Barracks way back in the ‘70’s.
You did your time and then moved on to real life: ideal society my a$$!
Evidently, he got into the drug culture there...
Or, possibly more likely, he’s just an idiot.
Whoops, he’s a dem, which means he has to be an idiot...
Used to be a Republican, but became a Democrat while serving in the Army. Go figure!
That tells you a lot right there. Army society is great for fighting wars; but as an everyday existence, it is tyrannical. Dems would love to be the party Chairman Mao types while the rest of us wear uniforms and live in barracks and perform community service.